AO3 tags to heal you in preparation for the weekend

Dec 10, 2016 01:54

Genau so wie beim letzten Mal gebe ich hier nur ein Lebenszeichen von mir, um euch an diesem wirklich grandiosen Post teilhaben zu lassen... enjoy! :'D

Originally posted by mangomanko at AO3 tags to heal you in preparation for the weekend
I once again dip into the moist caverns of fandom and bring forth my findings. Source: Tumblr

Well ok then.

This just reminded me of that fanfic where some hobbits fucked some tree people and I don't know anymore.

Tentacles and consent? Pssssshhaaaa

Boy, that escalated quickly.

Is that a threat or...?

Chiwetel Ejiofor giant or Nicki Minaj giant?

Hopefully a tuba.

My epitaph, probably.

How romantic :')

I kinda want to read this now, ngl.

About damn time.

Hopefully not a SPN fic.


Each day we stray farther away from god.

No shit, Sherlock. Probably a BBC Sherlock fic, too, I can feel it.

One of these is not like the others.

The thrilling sequel.

Those sexy, sexy triangles, man, I'm telling you. Great name for a band, though.

The best way to go.

Dickfetti: Fap to the Triangle's EP.

Nothing gets me hornier than those civil rights, man.

Fap to the Triangle's hit single.

Don't bite it.

God is dead.

Apparently, sex with trees is a popular genre.

On the plus side, when the universe collapses into entropy, we won't remember this.

Batfuck Rapeworld

Your parents failed you.

Some are jokingly over the top, but others I can't help but wonder if they're serious. Fandom in a nutshell.
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