Haven't seen any of these around yet.. If any of you read/watch Honey and Clover (♥), Chinen totally reminds me of those little Hokkaido gnomes Morita dressed Hagu up as. xD And my two favourite Kanjani8 men! :)
I have an unhealthy obsession with this show. and hence with Miura Haruma and Takaki Yuya (note the extremely biased scanning >>;;). OTP!! OOOOTTTTPPPPPPP!!! Despite the fact that they're about half a decade younger than I am. But seriously, when Miura smiles, damn. And episode6, when Kazama twirled a lock of Ogata's hair, holy crap I swear the entire neighbourhood could hear my screams.
I'm really sorry, but I won't be taking any requests for other pages. Comments aren't necessary but would make me really happy :D Please credit boys_paper if you use the scans elsewhere. Thanks!