My friend Dart and I don't see eye-to-eye on lots of things. Here's this really long-ass debate about life, evolution, and the Constitution. We have very different points of view, as you'll see.
PS. We can get mean when we fight. So watch out :P I also have many typos, like usual.
Dart "What next? 'Luma Ridley'?" Zaidyer says:
so what's new?
Parfait says:
Parfait says:
got accepted to college.
Parfait says:
thats it
Dart "What next? 'Luma Ridley'?" Zaidyer says:
Parfait says:
Dart "What next? 'Luma Ridley'?" Zaidyer says:
well yeah. That means you won't be here.
Parfait says:
Parfait says:
i'll still ahve a comp
Parfait says:
im not going to give up damasca
Parfait says:
Dart "What next? 'Luma Ridley'?" Zaidyer says:
Dart "What next? 'Luma Ridley'?" Zaidyer says:
Well I certainly will never go to college.
Parfait says:
Parfait says:
then how do youy expect to get a job that will actually pay for eveytrhing you need/want
Dart "What next? 'Luma Ridley'?" Zaidyer says:
Wing it
Parfait says:
winging it doesnt work
Parfait says:
well, maybe you want to flip burgers all your life.. not my problem.
Dart "What next? 'Luma Ridley'?" Zaidyer says:
Lady, the way I'm going, I've got about a snowball's chance in hell in the middle of July to turn around now
Parfait says:
Agghh i hate people who talk like that!!! *bonks you repeatedly* It's never too late for anything! If you dont wanna flip burgers or make minimum wage the rest of your life, then start working towards a better future NOW!
Parfait says:
Parfait says:
you are starting to sound just like Malus and Anthonius >_<
Parfait says:
be a g0-getter! Life shouldnt just drag you along!!! you're the one who controls it! So get in the damned front seat and drive!!!!
Dart "What next? 'Luma Ridley'?" Zaidyer says:
By the time I drive, there will be no more road.
Parfait says:
then you make your own road!!!
Dart "What next? 'Luma Ridley'?" Zaidyer says:
Thanks to my Shattered Faith in Humanity