I have referenced reputable sources and have kept to the rules of editing Im pretty sure.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoridation_by_country#Australasia Everything under Australasia except the first two sentences and the last sentence is my addition to Wiki.
Lets see if it stays, gets modified, or gets just plain ol' deleted.
Comments 3
The only reason I can think that it wouldn't stay is that it isn't really relevant to Fluridation by Country.
It would be better under the main Fluridation page under Controversy or something.
Thanky you. =^-^= I was a little tired so I was worried about my wording too.
I was thinking that possibly after goin to bed, if it gets removed ill look at putting it in controversy (the qld overdose i assume your talking about)
Do you think that the bit about busselton been an exception fits in?
Its just that i was reading it and knew that we dont have fluoride in our water here, so i thought id add the Busselton exception for the "by country" section.
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