Beijing Zoo and Aquarium, Vietnamese restaurant
after giving the zoo another shot we left at 10. and well i hadnt eaten a whole lot for breakfast and awesome as i am i decided to bust my new deaver book open in the van over there. i was also sitting in the backwards seat. not a good plan. i got nauseous before i stopped recognizing the surrounding buildings. that was like the van ride from hell! it didnt let up until we were in the park and had walked around a little. and there was bad traffic on the way over there too! sucky mcsuck suck!
anywho we got there at some point in my icky haze and it was hot and sweaty already. the Beijing Zoo and Aquarium is, for a lack of better term, lame. granted its been a while since i was in a zoo (should we estimate the last time was about....lets say 1998) and well i dont exactly remember the quality of zoos but i just did not enjoy our experience today. maybe because i hate zoos...theyre evil and keep animals locked away out of their natural habitats. but it might also have had something to do with 8 out of 10 animals sleeping in there. they were so immobile! they all looked dead. that, though, might have been due to the weather...
we saw the pandas first. sleeping half dead pandas. a few were eating. that was about as much excitement they provided. people bought panda crap, and we made fun of them :D then we lost michelle and amto ghada and mona and stood waiting for them for like 8 mins outside the panda gate. that was inane.
made our way to the tigers and on our way we saw chickens and other poultry. riveting. then we got to the skunk and raccoon section. and those little frakkers werent moving at all! but that was where the most hilarious thing all day happened. there was this one raccoon all dazed laying upside down against the wall and some trunk! with his hands spread on either side of his head! seriously! that was a vision! looked all lion king animated! i think thats enough exclamation marks.
then there were lemurs and monkeys. we stopped for ice cream but i got a dog on a stick instead. it wasnt horrible. 4 rmb was so overpriced but still. its probably the closest imma get to a corn dog. finally got to the tigers. they were sleeping...so was the panther.
and sweet jeebus the bears werent any better. and their concrete habitat looked horrible! they were all decked on their stomachs, which looked pretty funny. then there were these two big shaggy ones begging for food. they sat on their bums and waved their arms above their heads sort of above their noses. if you dont consider the fact that its incredibly sad that these poor wild animals are sitting in these concrete enclosures begging for banana pieces, it did look pretty cool how the bear could catch the treats with its mouth in the air. skills.
during potty break we saw this little boy doing the same actually. he just stood there on the lawn peeing. no hands! thats skill! ofc there were pix taken! then he just pulled his pants up.
the aquarium part was next and well, there was a whole bunch of fish in there. there were really huge and tiny ones. no pretty ones though. then we took our seats for the water show like 25 mins early. turns out it didnt matter because people were just swarming the place anyways and making me see shit. but the show was like a big 20 mins of epic fail anyways. lol the parts i actually did see were really lame. a dude couldnt get thrown by the dolphins until the 3rd try. and he could ride on them either. dont know if it was the dolphins or the dude. but the dolphins would do half the things they told them to anyways. and the sealions....public interaction my tush. but dolphins are always pretty :P
there was lunch eaten. lol turns out everybody hated their lunch except me. i was quite satisfied. then we tried to find the octopus but made a wrong turn and missed it. and there wasnt enough time to go around again so we never saw one. bummer.
then we couldnt find the way out of the place! like a frickin maze!!
we didnt even see half the zoo. too little time. felt like such a waste of entrance fee.
watching youtube videos of animals in the wild is a lot more satisfying than walking around exhausted looking at animals in captivity. zoos should be banned. and im not being sarcastic. even though filming wildlife is an intrusion its still realism of what the animals do and what they look like and how they behave. theyre not themselves in those cages.
ride home was a piece of cake and we watched some Little Britain. me and sis had been squealing "but im a laaady" for ages. that show is a lot more funny in theory. there are just a few of the skits that are actually funny and the rest are blah. but the funny ones really stick and then makes you think that the rest of the show is really funny too. alas no. and the first season had both some of the best yet the worst stuff in it.
any who we got bored after a while and popped in Night at the Museum 2. i only wanted to see it for amy adams and sweet mother of nirvana was i not disapointed by her parts! lol her parts sounds dirty. but i was not disapointed by her "parts" either...jeez those pants were tight. shes so gorgeous! and she always nails every roles she gets. she had that olden days voice thing down! well i dont know how amelia earhart behaved or anything. but every amy performance always has a bit of amy in them and then there the character. and shes just awesome. and funny! i luurve her! and duuude! how hot was she in the end scene!?!!
and i did want to see robbin williams too! he was only in it for like 5 mins though. sad. the other peeps were good too. hank azaria is always cool. and its always nice to see see ricky gervais :P jonah hill might have had the funniest scene!
the movie in itself wasnt all that incredibly awesome but it did actually manage to hold some interest during its almost 2 hours.
then we went to eat dinner at the really close by Vietnamese restaurant. now i love food. a lot. but i can seldomly distinguish certain tastes, or be very analytical at all besides its good/ not good, when it comes to eating. chinese food has been great so far. but how am i supposed to be able to tell the difference between chinese and vietnamese food? i have not strategy for that! so basicly it tasted like the rest of the food we have been eating. but just to be a little authentic about it i had the viet beef something. that baby took up temporary residence in maaah belly!
then we, for some reason, saw another movie. it was already past 10 and watching another movie at such a late hour didnt seem like the smartest idea but we still saw Marley and Me. despite my objections. amto mona has gotten her way quite a few nights now. there was 17 again, now marley! i mean cmon! but i have to say that i totally misjudged M&M. ive been staying away from it because i thought it was some horrible jennifer aniston comedy, but it was actually really sweet! it was so realistic to life. and it was funny, and heart felt. thats what shocked me about it. and really visually stunning. there were such vibrant color changes during all the different seasons. it was just pretty. and a surprisingly good movie. made me teary in the end, i wouldve so bawled my eyes out had other people not been around...
it was past midnight so we just bolted and went straight to bed. bed is nice. sleep is great.