Ok, so I've finally, finally seen it. On the way to the cinema, I was (no joke, honestly!) tempted to simply turn around and forget about the ticket in my pocket, which would have cost me CHF 19.-- (had I not had a voucher *g*). I didn't (honestly, how could I?), so here's my sort-of-review (more a rant, really).
People say that anticipation is the better than the thing itself, and once again I find myself having to wholeheartedly agree. We've all waited sooo long for this movie to come out, and I, too, counted the days until the premiere. Now that the film has been running nearly two weeks, I wonder why there has been such a hype in advance.
I simply knew that my expectations were so high, that no matter how great the 3rd part would be, it could never fulfil them. It was the same with HP2, mind you. Oh, please, don't get me wrong! The movie was truly fascinating (albeit a bit long) and there were points were I had to blink back the tears, but I still believe that FotR or even TTT are better than the 3rd film. Maybe it's just because there was too much fighting going on in the film. Too much sopping and unnecessary tragedy.
Captain Obvious cracked me up, and so did Gandalf when he told Pippin that he might better not say a word at all (after telling him that he shouldn't mention dead!Boromir and heir-of-Gondor!Aragorn). There were a couple of other scenes which were fun too, along with those that made me sad. Strange was, however, that I didn't feel anything at all at the end, when Frodo left along with Bilbo, Gandalf and the rest of the elves (I wouldn't have recognised Bilbo if they hadn't said that it was actually him).
Pippin ruled. Really ruled. So much, that I thought they've completely forgotten to balance him out with Merry-scenes. Sorry 'bout that, girls, you know I'm a Billy- and Pippin-fan as well, but you also need to look at the movie as a whole. At one point I thought like 'ok, PJ knows that Pippin is most young woman's dream (and not Legolas, because Orli is just too pretty, hasn't got the accent and he can be seen in more other movies than Billeh at the moment - I've seen the trailer to his next movie, btw), so he put more scenes than necessary of him into the film'.
I'm honestly thinking about rereading the whole Lord of the Rings (in English, this time), just to finally know what else they've cocked up changed when making the movies...
Furthermore, I truly hoped that cutting Saruman out of the theatrical version would remain a rumour, but sadly enough it wasn't. No sign of him nor Wormtongue, which was rather strange... he just... vanished from Middle Earth... and no mentioning of what happened to Legolas and Gimli; everybody got a nice ending, apart from them! and Arwen... she didn't look as pretty as I thought she should at the end of the film, but that might be because light green just isn't her colour - I don't know.
Anyhow, I guess that some of that stuff will be on the DVD extended version (I can't believe I'm writing this already, knowing that it will take almost a f*** year for that one to come out), as I've noticed some missing parts, comparing the trailer with the film: mourning Eomér was absent... also was Merry kneeling down in front of Eomér to swear loyalty... Arwen on the bridge...
I'm going to watch it again at least once, though, just in case I've missed these parts that will make me truly love RotK