I'm Back!!!!

Jul 21, 2006 00:34

Oh my goodness!!!!! I'm back from camp, and I had the best week of my life. Quite Literly. If you have been reading my livejournal, you would have known that I was thinking about Excepting Christ.... well i'm glad to announce that I have. And i'm not ashamed. Tho, my mom is. My mom was really hard on me, but now she is finaly semi okay with it. It ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

allpenguin13 July 21 2006, 12:07:57 UTC
oh man...who gets to go to europe?! you do!! yay!!
my parents keep saying we're gonna be in the states when you're here. i will see you at some point next summer, whether my parents like it or not. lol.
<3 ya


farm_gurl14 July 22 2006, 02:24:48 UTC
You better!!! lol, i will drive my self up to washington to see you off for your flight if need be. and i'm not just saying that.... that is a threat lol


allpenguin13 July 26 2006, 20:27:17 UTC
oh whoa! i just read that "north america's longest zipline"!!! that is too cool!!!
i know you would do that. your parents know how close we are...i'm sure your dad wouldn't mind.


farm_gurl14 July 27 2006, 06:04:24 UTC
Of course not!!!


englishrose25 July 21 2006, 17:42:34 UTC
i am glad you are accepting christ into your life. i love him very much.


farm_gurl14 July 22 2006, 02:25:49 UTC
so do I


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farm_gurl14 July 22 2006, 02:30:24 UTC
Um... Yeah i have noticed that my life has changed. My habits are starting to change with that. For example, i'm reading the bible now, I don't sware as much if at all, and what i have noticed is that lieing and honoring my parents is the hardest thing to do right now because of my situation. but i'm working around it, and i feel that this was an amazing decision and it was also the best one out their. Jesus is an amazing person, and I am so greatfull to be following him in his footsteps. It makes me proud to know that I'm serving him. Okay, so it sounds like I'm preaching but I think you understand my point.

About your party this weekend... i can't come, I'm busy sorry


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farm_gurl14 July 22 2006, 05:32:03 UTC
Okay.... I hope you feel better. Your in my prayrs


anonymous July 22 2006, 17:38:10 UTC
it was the best week of our lives just like they promised... just wish my distraction would have worked....*thinks about tommy again


poetgirl_15 July 22 2006, 17:40:20 UTC
it was the best week of our lives just like they promised... just wish my distraction would have worked....*thinks about tommy again* lol sorry i didn't realize i wasn't signed in see ya in a little bit


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