Mar 02, 2009 19:05


Brought to you by the talkative faeryclopedia. Compiled by Navi. Link, write on your own posts.

I hope to compile a useful set of information on the creatures of World’s End. Should anyone see any problems with what I have put down, please let me know.

Notes: An N/A stance on Activity will mean that I have never seen the creatures out in the open, and therefore I do not know if they are even aware of times of day. In the diet section, if an ‘N/A’ is placed, it is because I confess I do not know. If ‘Human/Humanoid flesh’ is put it means that I don’t think the creatures take any sustenance from the food, but eat it regardless.


Type: Undead
Location: Wesker’s Tunnels.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: Human/Humanoid flesh.
Native: Earth.
Notes: Dog corpses infected by a virus. Virus can be spread via bites? Killed by cutting off the brain from the rest of the body.

Type: Humanoid
Location: None found/seem to come from nowhere.
Activity: Attack when posters of residents are placed around the city, with a pervading stench of rat, and symbols of the Crimson King (kite tails, chalk, graffiti, and the Tower in sharp relief on the beach) are seen around the city.
Diet: Presumably Omnivorous.
Native: World’s End?
Notes: The Can-Toi attack in swarms. They are dispatched easily, but the sheer number is often overwhelming. They seem to target magic users, or those with abilities out of the norm (telepaths, SOLDIERs, etc), and have also been noted to hone in on Direwolf pups. They are presumably edible, but do not seem to taste particularly good.

Dead Hand
Type: Undead
Location: The Shadow Temple.
Activity: N/A.
Diet: Human/Humanoid flesh.
Native: Hyrule.
Notes: The Dead Hand will only show its arms, either four or eight of them, at first. They are long, spindly, and waft softly as if in a breeze. Cutting one down will only make a new one grow in its place. To kill the monster, you must let one of the hands grab you. Start to break free as soon as you do, for the main body will spring up. Wait until it lowers its head to bite you before you attack it. If it burrows again, let one of the arms grab you to bring it back up. Only attack the head; nothing else will harm it. Close range only.

Deku Baba
Type: Plant
Location: The forest
Activity: Diurnal; strongest in day, however.
Diet: Omnivore.
Native: Hyrule.
Notes: A Deku Baba will grow over deku nut patches. Will spring up from the ground and lunge towards the sound of footsteps, biting the person who caused them if it can. Can be killed with fire or by cutting. Will usually leave deku nuts to be picked up.

Type: Spirit
Location: The graveyard.
Activity: Diurnal?
Diet: Souls/Happiness.
Native: Earth.
Notes: Invisible to non-magic users. Sightless, cloak wearing monsters that suck the heat from any area they are in. They suck happy memories from creatures to drown them in despair and when they appear too close they can devour a person’s soul. They can be forced away by a certain spell that summons a shining animal. Extremely dangerous.

Type: Mammal
Location: Tend to keep to the forests, but have been known to range.
Activity: Mostly nocturnal, but have sometimes been seen about the day.
Diet: Carnivore.
Native: Westeros.
Notes: Direwolves can grow to the size of small horses. They have strong jaws, and according to Ser Jaime Lannister, can pull a grown man from horseback when he is dressed in full plate armour. Their weight belies their speed. Again, attacking from a distance is often the best bet; a well-placed shot at the back of the head will tend to take care of them. For close range, it is generally best to dispose of them quickly, and attack when their guard is let down. Edible, and their pelts can be used for cloaks/bedding/etc..

Direwolf Pups
Type: Mammal
Location: With their masters.
Activity: They seem to adapt depending on when their masters are awake.
Diet: Carnivore.
Native: Westeros.
Notes: The same breed of creature as the Direwolf in the forest. These pups have attached themselves to certain members of the community and seem to share some form of link with these members. They grow to the same size etc. as the wild Direwolves, and are fiercely protective of their masters. Attacking one of these is considered the same as attacking their master and is not advised.

Type: Spirit
Location: The Shadow Temple.
Activity: N/A
Diet: Souls
Native: Nosgoth
Notes: These creatures are almost like spectral versions of the lobstrosities. They are surprisingly fast and can fire projectiles of sticky green goo which will temporarily keep someone in place whilst they attack. Dreadnaughts can also use ‘spirit tethers’ that will drain off energy when applied. Killed by a constant attack, most effective at close range but also at long.

Type: Undead
Location: The Shadow Temple.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: None.
Native: Hyrule.
Notes: The wallmaster’s earthbound cousin. A floormaster will scuttle around on its claws, turning towards a person when it hears their approach. Upon doing this, it will briefly glow green and launch itself towards the person to grab them by the throat. While it is green, you cannot hurt the monster. Either leap away from it or pull up a shield for it to bounce off of. When it lands back on the floor, attack it with a sharp object. It will split into three smaller floormasters - the size of normal hands. Kill these quickly or they will grow to a larger one once more. Close range only.

Type: Humanoid
Location: The Shadow Temple.
Activity: N/A
Diet: N/A
Native: Hyrule/Termina.
Notes: Ghost ninjas, for want of a better term. The garo will cloak itself in illusion and leap up to attack when it considers the moment to be best. They leap and dive with two wickedly sharp blades and are known to vanish as they lunge to spring up behind their target suddenly. The best way to defeat them is to cause them to drop their knives - usually by deflecting the attacks with a shield - and then striking when they are defenceless. When defeated, a garo will impart knowledge to the one who bested it, and then proceed to blow themselves up, so get away from them when you hear them saying 'To die without leaving a corpse, that is the way of the Garo.'

Type: Humanoid
Location: Wesker’s Tunnels.
Activity: Diurnal
Diet: Carnivore.
Native: Earth.
Notes: Half reptilian, half human monsters. These creatures seem to like attacking in packs. They have sharp, sometimes venomous claws and can leap quite high/far. Picking some off from a long range is possibly for the best, but be prepared to get in about them.

Iron Knuckle
Type: Humanoid
Location: The Shadow Temple.
Activity: N/A
Diet: N/A
Native: Hyrule.
Notes: The Iron Knuckle is a heavily armoured creature, carrying a gigantic and extremely heavy axe. The best way to attack it is to allow it to approach you, and duck around the swings of the axe until it becomes buried in the walls or floor. At this point, hack away as much of the armour as you can. When enough falls, the Iron Knuckle loses strength, but can charge at you. A few more attacks under its defences will take it down. Close range only.

Type: Undead?
Location: No set location.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: Human/Humanoid flesh
Native: Earth.
Notes: Monsters with exposed brains, teeth and muscles. Called, presumably, for their long tongues, which seem to be weapons in themselves. Strong, and can crawl up walls and on ceilings. I believe they are infected with the same virus as the zombies? Again, taking out the head/brain seems to be the only way to kill them.

Type: Crustacean.
Location: The Beach, crawling from the surf at night.
Activity: Nocturnal.
Diet: Carnivore.
Native: World’s End.
Notes: The powerful claws are able to tear right through leather, snap bones and rip off flesh easily. Sharp beak can shear through bone. Surprisingly fast, both in and out of the water. Best attacked at a distance, with bullets or arrows through the shell, or from above by crushing with rocks. Edible, and quite tasty. They appear to be somewhat intelligent and able to communicate with one another.

Type: Parasite
Location: Inside Regenerators.
Activity: N/A
Diet: None, presumably.
Native: Earth.
Notes: The leech-like creatures which allow the Regenerators to heal so quickly. Three to four tend to be present, and can be eliminated by a piercing object from a long distance. The host body makes it dangerous to get in about them at a close range.

Type: Undead
Location: The Old Hospital.
Activity: N/A
Diet: N/A
Native: Earth.
Notes: Heads are grotesquely swollen and pulsate. They carry lead pipes to presumably bludgeon people with. The pipes have a longer range of attack than one would think from them, and the nurses are fast. It seems to be an ‘attack until they stop moving’ situation, close or long range.

Type: Humanoid
Location: The Icestorm.
Activity: Nocturnal.
Diet: N/A
Native: Westeros.
Notes: Tall, humanoid forms covered in what looks like armour made from ice. The Others carry swords of crystal and are invulnerable to all but one thing known to us: a dagger of obsidian, or ‘dragonglass’, which can be retrieved from the Task Force Headquarters. They seem to keep to the Icestorm, though during a Wight invasion, a few Others were seen as well. They are nigh invulnerable, and have been known to turn strong steel swords brittle if they come too near to them.

Type: Spirit
Location: The graveyard/The Shadow Temple.
Activity: Nocturnal.
Diet: None.
Native Hyrule.
Notes: A poe can be distinguished by the tell-tale lantern it carries. Do not look directly at the lantern or the poe itself will turn invisible and untouchable. Keep your gaze somewhere to the side of it and be prepared to deflect the swirling lantern or avoid the flames it sets out. When it shows its physical body, attack them with arrows (if it does not know you are present) or a sword. The lantern will smash and release the spirit. This can be bottled and drank, but only drink the yellow ones, as the purple will hurt a normal person.

Type: Mammal
Location: The forest.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: Herbavore.
Native: World's End.
Notes: A rather bizarre cross between a rabbit and a ram. Generally non-aggressive, but can be when scared, at which they will charge to headbutt you. Can be domesticated, and presumably used for food.

Type: Spirit
Location: The Shadow Temple.
Activity: N/A
Diet: Souls.
Native: Nosgoth.
Notes: Smaller, airborne Dreadnaughts. Attack from a distance. These shark-like spirits will sail through the air and leap down to slice with their scythe-like fins. If contact is made, they may well unleash a spirit tether in an attempt to drain off energy from the person tethered. Repeated blasts from the weapon ought to take them out.

Type: Undead
Location: The graveyard/The Shadow Temple.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: None.
Native: Hyrule.
Notes: The redead is a brown, organless corpse which lets out a droning moan. They move slowly and can often be out distanced by a person walking. However, a redead possesses a piercing scream that will paralyse its prey. If it reaches said prey, the redead will climb onto the frozen person’s back and proceed to choke the life from them, or bite them. They themselves can be frozen by the Sun’s Song, and can be killed by repeated attacks at close range. Long range weapons tend not to faze them, with the exception of Fire Arrows. However, while these hurt them, it won’t stop them from moving closer to a person.

Type: Undead?
Location: The Shadow Temple.
Activity: N/A
Diet: Presumably Carnivore.
Native: Earth.
Notes: Attack from a distance, presumably. Do not attack the extremities unless the creature is moving in for an attack. The lumbering, corpse-like monster will strike with its arms and reach out to grab a person and bite them. Any wounds dealt will be healed quickly, hence the creature’s name. Use either something to sense heat, or the Lens of Truth, to see the plagas in the creature’s body. Eliminate these with a piercing object, preferably at a distance. There will tend to be three to four of the parasites.

Shadow Creepers
Type: Spirit?
Location: The church? Have been seen on rampage through the streets.
Activity: Whenever summoned.
Diet: N/A.
Native: Gaia
Notes: Disperse when attacked. Summoned by Sephiroth and his Remnants through an act of will and JENOVA cells. Can burst from nothing and lunge to attack. Have sharp teeth and powerful claws. Generally only stop when called off.

Type: Insect
Location: Found throughout.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: Carnivore.
Native: Hyrule.
Notes: Attack the soft underbelly of the creature and avoid the poisonous bite and spin attack. If the creature if gold, rip off the shell and keep it should you see them; Gold Skulltulas are curse spiders, and the more shells you have the more likely you are to break a curse which they can spread. Normal Skulltulas are edible, thank you, Link.

Type: Undead
Location: The Shadow Temple.
Activity: N/A
Diet: None.
Native: Hyrule.
Notes: Skeletal warriors. Engage in close combat and cut the bones off. A stalfos is connected via magic, and will die if it expends too much in trying to reform. They laugh as they attack, a repetitive and distinctive chuckle. Some stalfos may only be defeated by completely destroying the bones it leaves behind.

Type: Humanoid.
Location: None found/seem to come from nowhere.
Activity: Sometimes attack when symbols of the Crimson King (kite tails, chalk, graffiti, and the Tower in sharp relief on the beach) are seen around the city.
Diet: N/A
Native: World’s End?
Notes: Stronger than the Can-Toi, though tend to attack when they are about. Roughly human shaped, but for animal heads and appendages (mostly bird?). Can fight and are harder to dispatch than the Can-Toi. Can also fly.

Type: Reptile
Location: The graveyard.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: N/A
Native: Gaia.
Notes: Slow, clumsy creatures wearing a brown robe and carrying a knife and a lantern. They have bad eyesight and tend to fall over, but if they attack, then they can hurt you quite badly. They seem easy to outdistance.

Type: Undead
Location: The Shadow Temple.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: None.
Native: Hyrule
Notes: Watch for the shadows of monsters which hang from the ceiling. A wallmaster will cling to the ceiling and jump down on unwary travellers, grabbing them and either dropping them over pits or pulling them back to the start of the dungeon. To avoid this, keep your eyes on the pool of shadow around your feet and be ready to roll if you see it grow larger. In appearance, the creature is a rotted hand that balances on foot-long claws, and is roughly as tall as a man’s waist. Repeated stabs from a sharp object can kill it, generally ones that tear the fingers and thumb from the palm. Quickly dispatching the creature is advised, otherwise it will leap back to the ceiling. Close range only.

Type: Undead
Location: The Icestorm.
Activity: Nocturnal.
Diet: None.
Native: Westeros.
Notes: Corpses recognised for their black hands, blue eyes and stench of coldness. Anyone who has died in World’s End may well find that a wight of themselves can be seen shambling in the snow. Anyone dead in their own world can see the same, and similarly, there are wights of people we recognise. Wights can be killed by fire or by complete disintegration. Merely cutting them to bits won’t work; a cloud of black dust will burst from severed parts and choke you with the stench of the cold, and they will keep crawling at you. They seem to be created by the Others.

Type: Mammal
Location: The forest.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: Carnivore.
Native: Hyrule.
Notes: Attack the wolfos when its guard is down. The fur on the front paws is tough and near impossible to cut through. The wolfos will hold these paws over its head when attacked until the attacker backs off. It will lope around in an attempt to find an opening, and then rear up onto its hind legs to swipe with its claws. Duck under the claws and attack the opening at the chest or back. Close range only.

Type: Undead
Location: No set location.
Activity: Diurnal.
Diet: Human/Humanoid flesh.
Native: Earth.
Notes: Dead bodies infected with a virus. Will pass on the virus via biting/scratching. Killed by decapitating or severing the brain from the rest of the body. Few to none seen since World Event in Racoon City.


My thanks to all the citizens of World's End who helped me with information about these creatures. It was vastly appreciated.

Added requests of other members of the community, 4th May.

Again, please let me know if there is anything you can see as wrong with the information, and again if a new monster is spotted and you wish to see it written up. I am best with first hand experience of the creatures.


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