Discussion Post: Episode 3.03+4 - Self-Inflicted Wounds - NO SPOILERS

Feb 08, 2010 23:49

Please do not post spoilers for any episodes past the episode being watched in this thread! That includes spoileriffic icons.

I kind of half-wrote a post in my head last night, but I got distracted and never managed it. Farscape, when it wants to, delivers on so many levels. The sets, the characters, the angst, the plot-arcs, the humor, the ridiculous nature of the universe--Self-Inflicted Wounds is all of that, rolled into one.

It's not easy, seeing John's obsession manifest in such a devestating way. It's not easy, saying goodbye to Zhaan whom we never thought to lose. It's not easy to adjust to Jool, to figure out where she fits (she doesn't, yet). It's not easy to take Moya and Pilot's shared pain as the explorer ship rips into her hull, doing what should be impossible: existing within each other (and it's not, of course, their slowly tearing each other apart).

It's not easy to watch Aeryn tell Zhaan she wasn't worth it (she was, Aeryn; you both were).

These episodes always make me sniffly (ok, no lie, I'm exhausted and sniffling just thinking about it. how sad is that?), because I knew that Zhaan was gone by season four (I started with season four), but I didn't know how. And finding out is heart-breaking and hard to bear.

Moving on from the sad... ahem. Harvey! John and Harvey, and all-night drive-ins and imaginary beer! What more can you want but a nice, sit-down vhat with the left-over ghost of your greatest enemy in your head? Oh, right. Earth.

I know, I know, the whole point of Farscape is getting back to Earth. And yet, I'd prefer just watching endless shenanigans in the delta quadrant uncharted territories.

Then there are the sets. I sort of love the stolen-from-Gallifrey aspect of the explorer ship and its bits fused through Moya. I also sort of love Jool, even now. She's not Zhaan (she never will be and this is not a bad thing--one thing you can always count on Farscape for is well-drawn, differentiated women), but she's a good way to shake up the dynamics of the crew again.

Also, can I mention my adoration for their naming schemes? Self-Inflicted Wounds (ouch) part 1: Should'a, Would'a, Could'a (the things we should have done) part 2: Wait for the Wheel (as D'Argo mentions... also, D and John talking is something you never would have seen in season one, at least not until the end)

Next week: ...Different Destinations

no spoilers

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