Discussion Post: Episode 3.06 & 07 Eat Me and Thanks for Sharing - GENERAL

Mar 01, 2010 07:31

Expect spoilers for everything in here, including the comics.

Eat Me.

1. Farscape does horror, and it's terrifying and creepy and wierd all at once. The set design that went into covering the diseased leviathan is fabulous, as is the acting from the very creepy twinned peacekeepers.

2. Karvock (I'm not looking up the spelling) is shudder-inducing with his glee at, well, eating. Also for his long-term breeding plans.

3. The B-plot, with Moya and Talyn moves some of the plot along, though it's a little jarring since it's NOT horror (this is especially noticeable in the audio, since there's no off-key violins or weird drippy noises). But it's nice to see Talyn again, even in this condition.

4. John gets twinned. Oops.

5. But that's not where the real pathos is, because Chiana and D'Argo get twinned. D simply assumes he's not the copy, but Chiana... Well, she's got a few issues with it, though she'll never admit them to anyone else.

6. And then there's Jool, who reacts pretty much the way I'd react having seen one too many horror movies. Well, I don't think I'd attempt suicide.

Thanks For Sharing.

1. Farscape does film noir. I sort of wonder if they all got drunk in early writing sessions and went, "We should do this genre." "Yeah! And that one...." with more booze and possibly toasting. And then Kemper was probably face-palming and reminding them there was this arc and plot thing, and they over-ruled him with bets and creature shop ideas.

Which is not to say this episode doesn't help the plot along. It does, but it's also sort of film noir. (Now I've thought of that, I'm sort of disappointed that we didn't get John and D'Argo in fedoras, with Chiana and Aeryn doing a lot of eye-rolling and saving the day on their own)

2. Ahem. The show is at pains to make it clear that BOTH Johns are the original, and it's sort of amusing and sort of not how obsessed the Johns are with being the Original.

3. Poor Talyn. :/

4. Poor Aeryn. Learning that is a blow, though it could have been worse.

5. I do like how they weren't trying to start trouble.

6. "Smack me dead, stick a lobster on my head." *snickers* (this is one of the reasons Farscape translates as audio-only. The dialog is ridiculous, but good)

Next week: Green-Eyed Monster, an episode written by Ben Browder.
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