Title: Transformer
Characters: Morimoto Ryutaro & Morimoto Shintaro
Genre: RL. failed crack
Rating: G
Author's Note: Inspired by Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou Ep 2
Ryuu couldn't help his curiousity when a pig fly across him while waving his front leg.
He is flabbergasted. He had no other choice but to wave back at the flying pig. His second thought told him to observe the pig if the flying pig had a wing or not. And his third thought, which is very random, the flying pig is an undercover alien carrying cruise missiles to dominate the world. He's ready to call power ranger.
But then again, Ryuu heard a soft chuckle and something "weeeern" from the back of him.
Ryuu turned his back and saw his younger sibling, Shintaro smiled slyly to him.
"See nii-chan, don't be frightened yo~ I control it"
Ryuu muttered in annoyance, "Robotto ka yo..."
Shintaro left his older sibling and continued disturbing people with remote control on his hand. Minutes later, he exclaimed, "Oh, There's Juri..!"
Means, there's another victim.
Too short and too ordinary. I made this minutes after completing biology molecular mid term xD
Oh and anyway, writing fanfic on exam is my hobby LULZ