And so we have lost Kippenross.
We might be able to return physically but we cannot be sure that the Death Eaters will not return.
We should have prepared for this contingency, but I speak with the clarity of hindsight. Now as it is, we are forced to live on half the space we had.
Green Valley Farm ..
Is not an option. Was it not also breached by a Death Eater? And we cannot be certain that he did not share his information with another before he passed through.
We are cheek by jowl, and while it is certainly good to know that my Charms class handled themselves with admirable composure, it's also dismaying to know that there is not one space in the Mill that does not have someone in it. Usually several someones. The noise level can rise to nerve-jangling proportions.
Add to that the impromptu infirmary here, that Miss Jones is running and peace and quiet flee for the countryside. I have given up my office, and am now using what used to be the area for storing milled grain, I believe. It's rather dim, windowless and wretchedly small, but it does have a lot of shelves.
I have to take what comfort I can as I can find it.
I am deeply gratified by the composure and common sense shown by my Ravenclaws. There were no panics, no temper tantrums. Everyone has pitched in to help. Miss Archer and Miss Lovegood were instrumental in getting people sorted and settled from the time that they came through the fireplace. I am immensely proud of Miss Archer, who has to overcome considerable shyness. And Miss Lovegood may have redeemed herself somewhat. I am very pleased too with Michael Corner's willingness to give up his bed to a student. He has offered to sleep in the cow barn, and while I don't think that will be necessary it won't do him any harm to sleep on the floor.
I am closing this entry. It is time for bed checks, and I think I should patrol the perimeter. In fact, I may ask Mr. Corner to assist. It will keep him busy, and there's nothing to take your mind off your aches and pains like keeping busy.
We cannot remain this way. I just don't see any other, better options