1.> Name: Ashlynn
2.> Location: Naples, FLA
3.> Age: 15
4.> Sexual preference: straightt
5.> 5 favorite bands: Blink182, Finger 11, Ashlee Simpson, Rascal Flatts, JAY-Z
6.> 5 favorite movies: The Notebook, Mean Girls, Peter Pan, Sweet Home Alabama, Starsky and Hutch
7.> favorite store: Abercrombie and Fitch
8.> favorite article of clothing: my black skirt
9.> Embarassing story: well.. it's not my embarassing story, but my friend Chelsea wore her brand new jeans to school and she's in my last block, and I realized that the sticker that they put on the leg that tells you what size they are, was still there! I took it off for her, hoping that no one would realize what I was doing..
10.> Make us laugh: one of the people I know is trying to grow pot in his closet.. hoping that his parents won't notice that there's a sun lamp in there! how stupid is he? (btw..I don't do drugs..never have never will)
11.> Something random: rip-slip-brush-awwwww
12.> Why do you want to be excepted + how are you going to to help this community if so? : I think this community has great potential, and I would stay active and promote like crazy since this community is fairly new
13.> Please promote this to one other journal or community: (post link here)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/countthestars38/14785.html?view=8897#t8897 You can post anything to do with fashion whether its hair styles, clothing, makeup, or accessories! =] I'm thinking about getting the "ashlee simpson haircut" (that's what my cousin called it.. I just want banges again) but I have no idea whether it would go well with my face. (yeahh I'm a dork) but here are my pix!
ignore the hat.. my friend thought I should "show it off"
hope you like!!