spookyruby has won comeback!
capelle is also back as she won MC
So be sure to take part in this challenge!
Magazine: Flair January 2009
Title: Soft
Model: Skye Stracke
Photographer: Jem Mitchell
Only those who survived the previous challenge may participate. (spookyruby,capelle,meow_kiss and electrical_s,rebelstrike21)
You may use any picture so long as it is part of the editorial stated above.
Make only one icon.
Animation is not allowed.
It must adhere to LJ-size constraints (no more than 40kb, 100x100px)
Submit with the URL at the bottom of your icon in a comment to this post.
Deadline: 19 January, Monday, 12am
Please take note that your mod lives in Singapore, therefore, 12am doesnt mean 12am in your country. Do convert the time accordingly.
Check out the
profile for the rules
Entries :
No skips allowed
Faking fashion (MO)TFS