関西ジャニーズJr. - 『少年たち ~格子無き牢獄~』 and SHOW TIME! @ 大阪松竹座 2011.08.12 12:00~

Aug 20, 2011 23:24

Some things I remember from the butai. There might be (and most likely are) some mistakes since I'm not fluent in Japanese and my memory is not that good. And my English fails here so much.

The show started with a short showtime. First only Kiriyama came to the stage and asked the audience to response with shouting "junior" after he had said "Kansai". So there were these "Kansai" "Junior" calls, first only the third floor responsing, then the 2nd, then the 1st and lastly the whole audience together. Then everyone came to the stage and they performed sign of dream. Some people were on the balconies as well but I only remember Junta being in the second balcony. We had first row seats in the third floor, Junta saw my uchiwa and waved at me. :D

The next song was DREAMIN' BLOOD, I think everyone was on the main stage during the song? Not sure though. The following song was already BIG GAME, naturally BBV performing it. I loved seeing it but it felt weird without Daichi and Maashi. But it was cool anyways!

Shadow WEST performed I wo kure and Aぇ少年 with you. 7WEST (well, okay, if I remember correctly only Shigeoka and Kamiyama) sang Tsuki no michi, it sounded so very good. ♥ After that there was this medley kind of thing consisting of Love yourself (京男), ガンバレッツゴー (Little Gangs) and AXEL (Gang star). It was kinda like a remix made of the three songs.

The butai itself began with the jailers (Veteran) watching the performance on TV. I really liked how the showtime got tied into the butai. :D So yeah, the plot followed pretty much last year's Ebikisu Shonentachi's one. As for the roles: Bun-chan → Sanada, Tatsuki → Nozawa, Junta → Tama, Kiriyama → Fujigaya, Hamada → Miyata, Senzaki → Senga, Koji → Kitayama, Takemoto → Tsukada, Shigeoka → Tottsu, Kamiyama → Hasshi. I think...? No idea about the others. Of course the roles had changed a bit and both 'teams' had 6 members instead of 5. Oh, right. Blue was B.A.D., Hamada, Senzaki, Kaneuchi and Koji, red was 7WEST. I loved Bun-chan in his role, he was scary for real. Seriously, I was always waiting for him coming to the stage 'cause damn, that voice and all. *__* And as one can expect, everything was spoken in kansaiben. :D It was interesting to hear some familiar lines changed into kansaiben, haha.

So the first butai song that was performed was 俺たちは上等, pretty much like last year's one. :D Kiriyama's voice was so deep and you know, I went all woah when he sang alone.

Then they had the swing/bench scene with the red team. Plot-wise the same as last year's Ebikisu butai's, though there might have been some changes in the reasons why they had been captured. And the bench scene was fun. :D Shigeoka went to sit on the bench but Takemoto stopped him saying how he should ask for a permission before sitting. Shigeoka then asked Takemoto and got a permission, but when he sat on the bench, he was stopped again and said how he has to ask the bench for a permission. XD Oh right, Takemoto's reason for being caught was riding a mountain bike on a motorway or something like that. XD Kotaki was a swindler. Shigeoka also sang 僕に聞くのかい? at one point just like last year. In the end Takemoto was left alone when the others left the stage while he was talking.

Veteran performed 轟-GO!!- as the jailers. A little different from the normal version as you can imagine. It was pretty much like Snow Man did last year, having the 'comments' in between the song.

After that the blue team! First they had the same kind of 'shouting' scene as in Ebikisu's one, but it was only short. And I think 嗚呼思春期 was sung here? After a moment there was a new scene that was radio calisthenics. Everyone had to do some 'praiseworthy' act when the jailers weren't watching. Senzaki wanted to be a dancer and thus he had to show some dance to the others. He then made the "come on, come on, come on" part from Everybody Go and everyone praised him. XD Junta had to act as a bodybuilder. Hamada was a swindler so he had to show them エアネット詐欺, "air net swindling". XD However you looked at it, it looked like he was playing keyboards instead and everyone told him that. Hamada ended his act with doing Everybody Go's "come on, come on, come on" part as well. XD Then it was Kiriyama's part and he was asked to do エア食い逃げ, "air 'running away without paying for food'" (you know, as mime). :''D He first went to the restaurant and tasted some wine and made some face. Then he got some steak, ate it and made a face that was telling how much he was enjoying the steak. Everyone praised how well he acted. Kiriyama then ordered one more steak and since it was taking so long before he got to the running away part, others got mad at him. XD Exactly then the jailers came to the stage being mad, but everyone escaped with air bikes. The jailers also went after them riding air bikes. XD

Then there was another new scene. Red team was on the stage when the blue team came there. I think it was Kaneuchi who rushed and bumped into Ryusei? Then the others came to the stage as well and there was some interaction between them. Senzaki: 「いっとくけど俺強いぞ」 ("For your information, I'm strong"). Takemoto(?): 「俺は弱いぞ」 ("I'm weak"). XD Both Hamada and Kotaki had been swindlers so they compared what they had done. Kotaki had swindled many people (I don't remember the exact number) while Hamada had only one. :_D I think Kotaki told the highest amount he had swindled was 1 500 000 yen for a handkerchief with Lady Gaga's lipstick mark (fake one). Hamada made this, uhm, interesting face and took the handkerchief from his pocket, saying he had got a debt of 1 500 000 yen because of it (so yeah, Hamada was the one who had bought it). XD Then they spoke how the lipstick mark was 'Lady Baba's' (Kotaki's grandmother's) for real. XDD

After that I think there was the scene in which Shigeoka first sang 僕に聞くのかい? and then talked how Hamada knows a lot of things etc. There was something fun put in here but I can't remember what was it again. >> Then there was the lunch one with Kiriyama and how he told Shigeoka to become so that he's able to drink milk. Then there was the cleaning thing too, as in Tokyo's one, but they did the Everybody Go furi again in here. :'''D

Then! The same as in Ebikisu, 7WEST's member came to the stage from the hole in the floor before 闇を突き抜けて. Of course the blue team and the jailers were dancing during the song as well. It was cool~ And they took their shirts off and after that they had the shower scene. :'''D Umm. The whole idea in this one was how they misheard many things. They spoke about visiting New York and such. Hamada or someone said New York's spell wrong as "NTT..." and Junta responded with 「ドコモやろ」, "that's docomo". I think it was Senzaki who shouted to the other side of the shower wall (to 7WEST) asking what was the spell of NY (「スペル教えて」). 7WEST misheard it as 「すべる話して」 though. XD Then there was a whole bunch of more, ニューヨーク (New York) misheard as 入浴 (bathing) being the main. Senzaki was speaking how he had never been to New York but 7WEST heard that he had never taken a bath. XD Then there was some talk about it, for example 7WEST telling how he smells if he doesn't bath (「におうやろ」), but Senzaki heard it as 「似合うやろ」 (it [New York] suits you) and thus thanked them for saying so. XD The whole scene was hilarious in my opinion. And then there was the bucket dance. Um, yeah. :''D

Was it now then? The prisoners were standing in a line and Bun-chan came to blame them for doing something that was not allowed (Kamiyama having scissors under his bed and so, things that weren't true of course). And everyone got beaten up. Something like that? Not sure if this was in here, though.

Then Rival, right? Kiriyama and Kamiyama singing again. Wah, the song I had waited for the most. ♥ It was so cool live and seriously, Kiriyama's voice is so awesome. After the song the jailers came to get Kamiyama and Bun-chan said something to Kiriyama. Other 7WEST's members came and wanted to know why only Kamiyama was taken away (okay, I'm not gonna write more about this since it was the same in Ebikisu Shounentachi). So in the end they decided to try to escape.

Then there was a scene where they were counting the blue team's 'members'. I think the jailer here was Ryuta? He shouted 「番号ー」 (numbers?) and everyone responded with 「1!」 at the same time. Then they started again from the beginning, this time the result being 「1」「+」「1」「-」「2」「=」 and Ryuta finished it with 「ゼーロー」 (monomane of the NEWS ZERO voice). XD They were put into the jail and then they kind of 'played' in there. Ryuta was always called away and he left the keys on the chair he had outside the jail. Blue team then tried to get the keys although for real the jail's door was open and all. :''D So, some humour again in there, explaining is too difficult so I'm not even going to try. In the end blue team started escaping.

As for the red team... Takemoto and Kotaki stole Kikuoka's jailer clothes. :___D Kiriyama then came to get the clothes but he forgot the hat. Kotaki tried the hat on and asked whether it suited him or not, and then they left leaving the hat behind. Kikuoka came to the stage running and wearing only pants that had strawberry design. XD He then took the hat and ran off the stage.

Then on the stage there was Kamiyama tied to the chair and Bun-chan was hitting him with the baton. There were other jailers there as well. Then Kiriyama came there wearing the jailer clothes and there was some kind of fighting again. And Kikuoka was there with only his pants on, still. XD The other prisoners came to help them, I assume? I really don't remember, but in the end they managed to ran off. After that there was some stuff, for example them 'going downstairs with the escalator' etc, like last year. And Shigeoka died again, falling in slow motion thinking how he had lived for the others etc etc. I wonder if it was あいつの分も生きる then? Kiriyama's voice sounded like he really was crying. ;__; So in the end, everyone got to leave after some time and Bun-chan was fired, Tatsuki becoming the new boss.

After 10 years~ Ryusei had tried being a fisherman, a nail artist, a dancer of traditional Japanese dance, a staff member of the city hall but got frustrated of them all. In the end he became just 'a normal J-league player'. XD He went off the stage while playing with the football. Then there was something about Kiriyama and others, too, but Ryusei's was the most interesting one imo.

Okay, this was somewhere in the middle of the butai, but Bun-chan told some of the prisoners to go tell Junta something false about his sister (you know, it was the same for Tama in the Ebikisu butai). Bun-chan was so good in his role~

So the butai ended and the second part of showtime began! First song was Blow out, I like the song so it was cool~ Everyone was on the stage, naturally. Hamada did the rap part alone, he was cool but for me it was weird to see him without Daichi. Little Gangs performed Baby Babe after that. ;__; Aぇ少年 and some random juniors sang 昨日の月が見える頃, followed by CHANCE. Bun-chan was on the stage during the latter one though. :D 京男 performed maze, Gang star Lotus and Shadow WEST Be Yourself!. Don't remember much about them... Then there was B.A.D., Hamada and Veteran playing taiko on the main stage! It was very, very cool. *___* Lastly everyone performed SAMURAI together, and thanked the audience for coming.

So the set list in short:

♪ sign of dream
♪ BIG GAME - B.A.D., Hamada, Veteran
♪ Iをくれ - Shadow WEST
♪ with you - Aぇ少年
♪ ツキノミチ - 7WEST
♪ Love yourself~君が嫌いな君が好き~ - 京男
♪ ガンバレッツゴー - Little Gangs
♪ AXEL - Gang star

→ 俺たちは上等
→ 僕に聞くのかい?
→ 轟-GO!!-
→ 嗚呼思春期
→ 僕に聞くのかい?
→ 闇を突きぬけて
→ Rival
→ あいつの分も生きる
→ 君にこの歌を
→ 僕に聞くのかい?
→ 君にこの歌を

♪ Blow Out
♪ Baby Babe - Little Gangs
♪ 昨日の月が見える頃 - Aぇ少年, Jrs
♪ CHANCE - Aぇ少年, Bun-chan
♪ maze - 京男
♪ Lotus - Gang star
♪ Be Yourself! - Shadow WEST
・ 太鼓 - B.A.D., Hamada, Veteran
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