The voices in my head hijacked my body

Feb 20, 2007 17:57

We did NOT hijack the body, she was falling asleep so we decided to update this thing, which appears to be the only way we can actually say anything anymore
I still say it wasn't very nice
Oh who listens to you anyway
Lots of people.
Uh-huh, name three
Her, you and you, see? that's three, I win, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!
Besides us you moron, WE don't have a choice
Fine, YOU name three people who listen to you and aren't a captive audience
Yeah, we asked you first
Who, me?
No, the other one, dorkhead
Wait a sec, you actually use the word dorkhead?
Only to you, now shut up so we can get an answer
Do they have to know that I'm the one they're talking to?
Do they actually have to carry on a conversation or just listen?
Now why would they ever listen to you?
Oh nevermind, I can only name one. And I still think it was wrong.
Oh shut up and don't humor her by changing the subject
Fine, what should I do then?
Oh I don't know, go eat ice cream or something
There's none in the freezer......

What? What are you all looking at me for? You all went on vacation for months and you expect me to keep the freezer going, AND stocked with ice cream? What am I? some kind of maid service or something?

Please? ((*^.^*))

STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!!! Puppy dog eyes are not going to get you anything, not even when combined with pigtails. no go away and leave me alone.

Is it safe to come out yet?
Fine *mutters something incoherent and wanders off, eating spaghetti*
I'm off. Bye. *wanders away staring overhead at the pretty twinkly shiny things*
Ummm *cowers under glare of solitary spotlight* mimblewimble *slinks off stage, and a loud crash of brooms/mops/general cleaning equipment is heard, trailing off into the last final sounds of a metal plate spinning on it's edge before finally rocking to a stop in the middle of the stage, slightly off center in the dusty beam of light.*
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