You Know Your a Band Nerd When....
1. You're walking behind someone and you're in step with them.
2. You try to guess the tempo of your favorite song.
3. All your friends are in band.
4. You don't mind changing clothes on the bus (see below).
5. You know how to change on the bus without revealing anything.
6. Being mauled by a drum is a normal part of life.
7. "Armed guard" means a girl with a pole, not a guy with a gun.
8. You remember sharps and flats more easily than you remember the name of the president.
9. You've named your instrument.
10. You see your section more than you see your family.
11. Everyone wants to kill the other football team...and you want to kill the other band.
12. You accidentally call your band director "Dad".
13. Reeds taste good.
14. You roll step everywhere
15. The band room is your second home. It is your home if you've got it bad.
16. Spit rags/swabbers don't gross you out.
17. You carry cork grease in your pocket.
18. You and your pals have memorized the entire repertoire for the year and can play your respective parts together
19. You hear a song on the radio and think: "Hey, this'd make a good pep band song."
20. You have a harness/neck strap tan line.
21. You go around humming the last song you practiced, even if it's Bb major scale.
22. Someone yells out "Hey Tuba boy!" and you respond.
23. Your biggest crush was/is your drum major.
24. You watch other bands and make sure lines are straight, horn angles are parallel, and everyone is in step.
25. You always start off on the left foot.
26. During practice, the podium doubles as a shelf for your personal stuff, such as water bottles, jackets, drill, etc.
27. You have certain songs that your bus sings on every bus ride, and you have to supress the urge to belt them out on non-band bus rides.
28. You can cuddle up to and/or share a blanket with anyone in band, and nobody will assume anything about the status of your relationship.
29. You can walk up to anyone in band and fix any part of their uniform without saying anything other than giving them your instrument and saying, "Hold this."
30. You and your friends gossip about the instructors' personal lives, and somehow find it more entertaining than gossip about people your own age.
31. Yet, you do still enjoy gossiping about people in band, and you know that if you're in band, your personal life is no longer personal, and there's no point in trying to keep it that way.
32. You go up to the band room to practice during all of your study halls, not just because you need to practice, but because you want to be in the band room.
33. After crying tears of joy for your great score at finals, you cry tears of sadness because marching season is over.
34. Tuning out the trumpets is second nature to you.
35. You don't have to wonder what a guy in band looks like in his boxers, because you've probably already seen him change.
36. You get to brag to your non-band friend(s) that you saw ____ in his boxers.
37. If someone tries to walk through the band, you yell offensive expletives and kick them out with the help of everyone else in your rank.
38. You're so used to having things thrown at you at short notice that you assume there will be a pep rally or parade every Friday afternoon (and on all holidays) and are shocked when there's not.
39. Icy winds and sub-freezing temperatures at football games don't bother you. Who needs feeling in their toes? Marching band is worth it!
40. You are truly outraged when "opposing bands" presume that they can play "Louie, Louie" (or any other song, for that matter) better than your marching band can.
41. You want to be a band director when you grow up.
42. You aren't a drummer but you can play every cadance as if you were one.
43. Your favorite memories and stories are from band trips.
44. You have a farmer's tan from the last band camp.
45. People don't believe you when you say band chicks/guys are hot.
46. You speak more than 25 words in Latin, French, and Italian (poco meno moso, anyone?)
47. Forget fingernails on a chalkboard: out-of-tune flutes make you cringe.
48. You've skipped a class to go watch one of your school's other bands practice.
49. You have ever used cork grease for chapstick.
50. You get excited about hearing the next field show ideas.
51. You make fun of people because they play on Ricos during concert season.
52. You make fun of people because they play on VanDorens during marching season.
53. When non-band people have band questions, they come to you first.
54. You know the feeling of marching with one shoe in the mud because you lost it on the first backwards slide.
55. (see above) You endure running the 70-yard dash in 20 seconds back and forth many times in a row because the band can't get the drill right.
56. Having people help dress and undress you isn't even remotely sexually stimulating.
57. You point out instruments from the music in cartoons.
58. You're still humming band music from three years ago.
59. Your feet are together, your stomach is in, your shoulders are back, your head is up, and your eyes are "with pride." 24/7.
60. You've never ever sat in your class section at a pep rally because you're playing.
61. You still and always will find "Sax-a-ma-PHONE!" entertaining.
62. Normal people bet on horse racing, you bet on the DCI Championship.
63. You go to other football games to watch the other band.
64. You can measure 5 yards without a ruler- all you need is to count your steps while you're walking.
65. You hate American Pie because if you mention band camp to a non-band member (or, as you may call them, a blasphemer), they ask you if you've ever stuck a flute up your... yeah (even though you're a guy), and they still think they're really being original with that one.
66. You actually practice.
67. "Rushing" and "dragging" are technical terms to you.
68. You don't care if you reveal anything on the bus - all the band guys have seen it before anyway.
69. You've marched in your room, back yard, and/or driveway.
70. You've ever marched in front of a mirror to see what you look like and see if you can do certain moves correctly.
71. The word "fingering" doesn't make you think gross thoughts.
72. You know all the cheers that the cheerleaders yell at all the football games.
73. You know what key every instrument in the band is in and can transpose between them.
74. The underclassmen get the ugly plumes. That's just how it goes.
75. You want to be section leader so you can get out of formation to talk to your friends... er... check the horn angles.
76. At least one of the pictures in your room is of you in a band uniform.
77. On long band trips, you know what's going on in the seat ahead of you, because you did it on the last band trip...
78. You constantly pester you band director with new marching show ideas.
79. You're still kicking yourself for missing that one practice where all the flutes played in tune with each other.
80. You remember all of your director's strange anecdotes.
81. It means something to have marched 180+ tempo.
82. Being in extreme heat (or cold) for long periods of time is normal to you.
83. You dance at every single drum cadence while in the stands. Even if you're the only one and you look like an idiot.
84. While watching Drumline with band friends, you start renaming the band members in the band on the movie with the names of members of your band.
85. You always have sunscreen.
86. Nothing smells better to you than band uniform BO.
87. You have slipped on the field and made it back up without anyone ever noticing.
88. You walk through the halls practicing double tonguing regardless of the weird looks you are getting.
89. You find it amusing to crab walk up and down stairs.
90. The band gossip is better than all the soap operas put together.
..My friend Andrew sent this to me...and i found it quite amusing because the majority of it is true....