I've made a lot of friends... hi all you. I hope you enjoy my posts. :3 *waves* It's so nice to have friends.
I should open with something nice, hmm?
I'm very much into synthpop recently. It's so addicting, oh god.
I see you sometimes
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Comments 8
Yay for XBox returning! And yay for cosplay! I promise I'll start Nephry as soon as I can.
Expect AB pics from me tomorrow! (your poetry is great btw, I'll find mine tomorrow)
I GOT MY XBOX AAAH THEY TOTALLY UPDATED IT. WHOO. I can't wait to play Vesperia, but that will be after I finish my Saphir cosplay. :3
WHEE. Thanks!
Short shorts are quite YAY.
Also, I listen to techno quite a bit. It's my "happy music", I suppose. My Pandora always amuses me because I've just seeded just about everything I like into one radio station, so I never know exactly what I am going to get...
I don't like the streamline, typical poetry. I make my own rules for poetry...actually, scratch that, I break every rule, especially punctuation/sentence-wise. I love applying creative license to words, it's so fun. *u*
I WILL BE POSTING THAT COMIC SOON. I have it finished. It's adorably mean to Saphir. HEE.
YAY FOR MUSIC!! Techno/electronica/synthpop/chip tunes (it's like old school SNES music lmfao)... OMG I LOVE IT. Yes, it's my happy music too. ^___^ Wheeeee!!!
I checked out PANDORA. It's pretty rad so thanks for suggesting it. :Db
I let you borrow my PS2, so for the time being you are PS2-ful! (ew) lolz <3
Your boss is leaving? Does this mean you're going to get an Ann Marie replacement? LOLOLLLOLOLOL
And going to see peeps on the weekend is totally not work related! :) Hmm....your twin huh? Maybe you guys should cosplay dist together. A family that cosplays together stays together! lol
NO UGH. I DONT THINK I WILL? I HOPE I WONT?? Maybe the evening boss will be my boss, since I actually work with him. I am thinking that's what will happen. XD
YEAH I KNOW ITS NOT WORK RELATED LOL but I didn't want to make a new category *lazy*
LOL I DONT THINK HE'D COSPLAY DIST. He loves Yeager from Vesperia though. He wants to cosplay him, but I want to, too. So we get in arguments. XDXD
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