Plot History
In eons past, The Old Ones ruled the earth, worshiped by the mortals of the ancient world. The Old Ones were believed in by by all different cultures of man, some elevated to the status of Gods, as religions grew up around tales of their exploits. The faith and the stories of men gave them tremendous power.
But as time passed, story faded to legend, legend faded to myth, and myth faded to obscurity. The ancient beings and their might became the stuff of bedtime fairy tales and two-bit theater plots. Without the faith and worship of their followers, the immortals lost their favor and status in the world of man.
The world surged onward, moving onto new religions and new heroes, and the Old Ones were left behind.
However, even forgotten, the Old Ones did not die. Instead they retired from the earth and came to Elysium, the third tier of heaven, home to Gods and Great Heroes. It was here they fled as their believers died, and here they waited, as mortal men moved on without them.
Time passed, as it is wont to do. The Old Ones, quietly relaxing in their heavenly paradise, began to miss their might and power from times long ago. Some, homesick for the human world, decided to return the only way they now could-- via reincarnation. But once there, they found themselves completely mortal, and could do naught but die at the end of their mortal life. Then they would return to Elysium, mourning their loss anew.
Some of the Old Ones grew particularly bitter. They saw their stay in Elysium not as a retirement, but as an estrangement. They sought to regain their influence and power on earth in any way possible. But the Fates, omnipotent and neutral beings, would never allow such an unbalance of power to occur. The residents of Elysium could do nothing against the will of Fate.
At least, until one dark knight escaped from Tartarus, the lowest tier of the afterlife, in order to wreak havoc on the world once more.
Mordred swept calmly through the ranks of Elysium and did his best to stir up the aggrieved souls once more. Calculating and black with frost, his words turned simple annoyances to aggravations: tiny frustrations to towering rage and indignation. He had a plan to wage assault on the mortal world and regain the Old Ones' earthly immortality and power. Many ancient souls agreed with his cause and pledged their allegiance, and those that did not, Mordred planned to destroy.
Once the chess pieces were perfectly aligned, Mordred reached forth in his influence and tore Elysium asunder.
Chaos reigned. Gods and heroes alike fell through the hole Mordred had created, falling to earth in greater quantities and concentrations than ever before. They were born again as mortal infants, some gifted with awareness of their true selves, and some blissfully ignorant. Mordred himself jumped into the chasm to be reborn on earth as well, beginning to build his new earthly empire.
Mordred intends to find all the fallen gods that had pledged themselves to his cause, and convince any more that he can. The chess game he plays in vast, but only halfway over-- he still seeks several key pieces to use in his checkmate against Fate.
Any beings who fell through by accident, who would oppose Mordred in his ultimate goal-- these, he will ruthlessly hunt down and kill. None may be allowed to stand an oppose him.
...Or shall they?
The Fates, aghast at this severe imbalance but without the power to take a direct hand in correcting it, have sent several more Old Ones to earth. They who will stand against Mordred and balance the see-sawing scales. Foremost among these chosen is Merlin, a man of great power and wisdom, sent to earth to rally and guide the side of Order. As Mordred was once a knight of King Arthur's round table, so to shall others of that table be reincarnated as modern men-- perhaps even the King himself, to bar the way of Mordred's foul plot.
Such are things as they currently stand. The Fates are subtly pushing the reincarnated, members of both sides alike, towards Los Angeles. It is in this city that the work of a thousand years will culminate, and the war of the immortals will shake the very foundations of our modern culture. It is here that everything will be determined once and for all.
Which side will you fight for?