[The speaker's voice is laced with a bit of annoyance, but much stronger than that is weariness. The rustling of trees' leaves being blown in the wind can be heard in the background.]
This must be a joke. Nothing but a cruel, extremely unusual joke from a being with a sadistic sense of humor. I am well acquainted with the fun of irony at this
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No way...
[He paused briefly before continuing.]
Cid, is that you?
You go get it, then.
[He returned to his room with the knife, silently wondering just how to go about this.]
Hey, Cid. How big should the holes be? If I make 'em too large, I'll be walkin' around here looking raggedy.
Alright, this will do.
[He walks out to offer the knife to Cid.]
When done, he changed into it, sighing in relief as he was able to get his wings through the slits. It felt a little strange, but he'd get used to it.
And then there was the cape...
He really didn't want to damage the garment, but he didn't have a choice. Carefully as well, he cut into the fabric before placing it onto himself, sliding his wings through the holes as he fastened the cape onto him.
After sliding on his gloves as well, he made his way back into the living room, placing the knife upon the table.]
When he wandered into the living room, Rygdea couldn't contain his smirk once he spotted Cid. Old habits must die hard since the commander even slipped those signature white gloves back on.]
Interesting. I doubt you mind not having to wear your uniform.
You got that right. That thing is a tad uncomfortable.
[Smiling a little at Cid, he carelessly flops down on to the couch only to wince a moment later.]
Damn wings...
[He's complaining again.]
[No, he was not amused at Rygdea hurting himself.
Not at all.]
Yeah, yeah...
[He grumbled.]
What now? It seems we are stuck here indefinitely.
I don't know. This is nothing but a very nice looking prison, as it were.
From what I last remembered, the dead don't revive in a prison. Graveyards, maybe, but prisons? Nope.
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