we live this wretched serenade, you keep me playing anyway
rosalie/leah. pg. 193.
A tale of love lost in the most brutal way possible. It would have made the best ending, if it had been an ending at all.
for the drabble request meme. i've linked it enough times. :D
Lines tossed through the air like Valentine's Day greetings, quotations from ancient plays run through the blender of commercial society.
They like the tragedy, over here.
Her stage was set a long time ago. Flawless princess, fairytale prince. A tale of love lost in the most brutal way possible. It would have made the best ending, if it had been an ending at all.
They're both the sort of broken people who patch themselves up with the wrong kind of glue. Inevitably there will be a few holes left to fill and that's where their healing process begins.
With a touch they can maybe write their own endings.
Ask Leah and she'd say she never wanted a story, much less a Korean monster movie. Ask anyone else and they'll tell you how much of a girl she used to be. Little Leah, innocent Leah, all she wanted was a prince to carry her home.
What she got was a golden-haired beauty in red heels, roaming all over the heart that she pretends she doesn't have.
Well, she supposes, one of them has to be the beast.