¿Qué voy a hacer? Je ne sais plus.

Sep 23, 2005 14:43

Interview number six. Everything went fine, except I don't really want that position all that badly. I'll take it, yeah, but... eh. Of course that would happen. I told my mom last night that I didn't want the job too much, and she eerily said, "Well then you -know- they're going to call you back." I wasn't even nervous this time because, hell, I was seeing it as a practice interview (yeah, when you're on interview #6 in a two-month period, some of them become practice interviews). I only got tongue-tied once--that's a record! Anyway, I just felt like ranting about the lady sitting on my far right during the interview. That bitch was on a power-trip. WE GET IT, lady, you're IMPORTANT. It's like she was out to get me, to confuse me, to make me nervous, mentally assault me. Everyone else was cordial and relaxed, but she was all, "Oh yeah, you did research for this interview? What did you learn? What else?", as if preparing for an interview and learning about the position ahead of time is absolutely horrific. At the end, when everyone was being really nice and explaining the hiring process (which, sadly, I knew by heart because it was my third interview there), they tell me, "Yeah, H.R. would be the ones to call you and make an offer," but she abruptly cuts them off to let me know, "or, you know, to give you other news." Bitch, please. I knew they weren't telling me H.R. was going to definitely call me to offer me a position. Oh, well.

Also, my car's air-conditioner sucks. It has a leak, so if I were to add more freon to it, it would only last me about a week or two, then just slowly get hotter. Today, though, oh boy. There I am, 2PM, collared shirt with a choking necktie, undershirt, all while my car blasts hot air in my face. "It might get a little cooler," I thought, so I kept it on and aimed it away from me. No, sir. If anything, it got hotter. The bank's thermometer read 104 degrees Fahrenheit, yet it was definitely cooler when I turned off the A/C and lowered my window. Ay yai yai. What I'm saying, I guess, is fix my car's A/C. It's only about $400. Thaaanks.
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