I have seen the face of the future of Doctor Who, and it is...
Wow, that was just...WOW!
Frakking amazing start to the new season, and I loved it all!
Matt Smith is awesome as the new Doc, and Karen Gillian was great as the new Companion Amy. I kind of miss Amelia though. She was so sad, waiting for the Doctor to come back! They had great chemistry, and I am looking forward to them traveling together!
I love the new Doc. I may be easy, cause I have enjoyed almost all of them in their own ways, but still, he started off with a bang and caught fire with me! It's funny, his voice almost sounds like David Tennant, and even though I did have the feeling he was echoing some of the things some of the previous Docs had done, it didn't feel so much like a copy as echoes of those other personalities in what is still the same guy, but with a new version of himself. Does that make sense?
I love how connected he was with Amelia, and how kind of sad he was that she had grown up. I love how erratic he was (I've always loved that trait in the Doctor, LOL), and yet always on the ball. I had a little laugh over his admonishment to Amelia to "not wander off" since that is one of the Doctor's huge character traits, LOL! I love his continued "what the hell?" over his own body that appears in almost every regeneration. That one always makes me laugh. "What, I look like that? Oy."
It was all grand! I think my favorite moment tho, the one that I rewound several times already, is where he is confronting the Atraxi about Earth, and telling them to back off. He asks them if the Earth is protected, and you see a rundown of the bad guys that have tried to take over Earth, and then you see a rundown of the Doctors, and then he walks through the cloud to take his place and DAMN! I still get chills!
I LOVE DOCTOR WHO!!! And Eleven is getting off on the right foot, with an awesome start, with me and my family!
YAY to the show being back!
I can't wait for more of Eleven and Amy's adventures in space