Since I did the "Things you may not know" about John Preston I'm going to do the "things you may not know about Preston's world" Hooray. There's also alot you may not know about pre-libria in this too (since I life)
1. Libria-that-was was something akin to our society with a few minor advances. While they hadn't reached the tech-level of Xylyx (IE-Ultraviolet) they had managed a robot dog that was used primarily in security for large corporations and gated communities. At some point between the second and third Iraq Conflict rumors began circulating about a contagion (stemming from Xylyx-see where this is going?) that was believed to stem from pets.
-consequently, anyone in pre-libria had to obtain a permit for owning a dog/cat and have the vet check them out several times regularly. The US government set an embargo on animal import and export for fear of the contagion being passed between animals.
-the CDC at one point had "watch squads" sometimes made up of volunteers who would go into neighborhoods and kill stray dogs/cats/pets.
-A nationwide movement to exterminate the cockroach was also implimented. Sadly this was before they went to war fully-so the ecosystem of libria was already screwed beyond compare. Visitors to Libria might note that there are no insects in the city proper.
The war, as with most 21rst century wars, stemmed from oil and the depletion of resources. Tired of being stepped on, the Arabian nations launched against what was Canada (before being annexed by libria) and the United States. Rightfully outraged, the US called on Xylyx and Entropia to assist them and between they three they reduced what was Iraq, Iran, Egypt, and most of Africa by proxy into a smoking wasteland. However when ownership of the oilfields came into question, Libria-as the leader in the axis-declared it's rights. This was contested by Xylyx and Entropia.
-Entropia dopped the bomb on Libria, decimating a good chunk of America and America's heartland. Wisely-Librians don't enter that "hot zone" for fear of contamination. Anyone who survived the blast and managed to breed-well-nobody really could have survived.
-Xylyx attempted to fight Libria by creating genetically modified super-soldiers. This failed when their virus got out into their own population and they were soon forced to withdraw and battle the contagion on their own fronts. What few soldiers managed to make it to libria were gunned down thanks to spies in the Xylyxian government. Librian POW's however were subjected to the inital viral tests.
-Father maintained a very orwellian attitude about the war, alternating between both Xylyx and Entropia as the enemies of the week when the new order was still in it's infancy. At it's onest, the third councillary promised that taking prosium would prevent the citizens from feeling fear.
-There was a...dependancy issue wiht the first batches of prosium. The batch that Preston, Robbie, Partridge, Jurgen, and Mary is prosium v. 2.0 which-thanks to a small uprising of chemists-contains a watered down version of the same dependancy, easily knocked out of the way by normal human chemical responses.
3. Most of the Children in Libria are feeling. This is thanks in part to Robbie Preston but in a society where parents are prone to be executed for the slightest sign of affection in relation to their kids most kids didn't need any encouragement to NOT-feel.
4. Librians have one of the best healthcare systems in the world (compare that to Xylyx) Genetic testing pinpoints birth defects and people from Libria are rarely sick. Those who are sick however are asked (politely) to take days off.
5. Librians don't celebrate-holidays persay. Weddings are a state affair with couples being married by the equivalent of a justice of the peace. A gift is exchanged between the bride and groom, but it's usually something of extremely practical value. If you were to ask Preston why he gave Vivianna something then he probably wouldn't be able to tell you. Likewise with Vivianna. Each citizen has designated "personal days" organized by the department of labor.
-Preston's Personal Day is Thursday.
6. Citizens use these days to visit Ration centers. Each citizen is issued a card when they reach a certain age. Upon each pay-period they're issued a certain amount of "Ration points" to be used for clothing, food, etc. No personal items can be procured at any of the ration centers (books/toys/games) You can buy a DVD set of Father's lectures however. Preston, like most good clerics-owns the complete set along with the pre-released set of his next lecture series ""Sociology in relation to Mass Media and communication" And citizens are encouraged to visit their locale reading centers to daily indulge in Father's writings in the "Manifesto"
7. The Reality about the world-political situation is that Xylyx has completely withdrawn to battle their own contagion/problems. Entropia and Libria are currently on "You don't shoot us, we won't shoot you" terms. Unfortunately with the "War is gone "speech, most of Libria's heavy artillary and tanks are gone. Meaning that if Xylyx or Entropia decided to resume the war it would be up to Preston and most of the clerics to do their best to use Gun-Kata to take them out.
8. Gun Kata originated in Xylyx. Through a mutual training agreement, Libria-that-was sent over arms and ammunition in exchange for the elite branch of the Xylyx-that-was government (Called the Ryukin Guard) to come and train what was the American Equivalent of the Navy Seals and the Army Rangers. (Hence why Violet would know Kata and Preston as well) Libria developed their own variation on it however, since the Xylyxian model is something akin to kickboxing (ironically) the Librian model is based more on martial arts.
9. Canonically most canons (X-files/Firefly/Star wars/etc) existed in their written form. However to Librians, they've either been archived or destroyed completely.
10. The Councillary is feeling. All of them. ("In order to guide this government it must be our duty to take up the pain and heartache of feeling to better care for our citizens") it is structured as follows:
-Vice counsul Henry Dupont: Father's Voice. Head of the Monestary.
-Vice counsul Albert Sharp: Head of Healthcare
-Vice counsul Bethany Stone: Head of Rationing/Resources
-Vice Counsul Jon Andrews: Head of Archival
11. Preston lives in Apartment Block THX-1138, Apartment 00420. His Telephone number is 09-11-9721117. (I will give brownie points to anyone who can figure out why those numbers are signifigant. Never forget and all that) He lives next to an Archivist who's married with three children. The man in the apartment to Preston's right was arrested before the movie began by Preston and Partridge, a member of Jurgen's underground.
12.Libria is-ironically-arranged like washington DC. The Palace of Justice stands in the center (one of the only buildings to include some sort of art inside) It's signifigantly taller then most of the other librian buildings however. All of the buildings are built to a scale. Few people own cars (it requires a permit, a special license, and then a reason for owning said car) A side affect of the war but also a sign of libria's efficency.