Title: Bleach 4: Hell Chapter
Type: Anime
Author(s): KUBO Tite
Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Shounen, Supernatural
Description: Bleach: Hell Chapter (Burichi: Jigoku-hen) is the fourth feature film based on the Bleach manga. It was released in Japanese theaters on December 4, 2010. It is directed by Noriyuki Abe, while
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Comments 5
The idea of an "epic adventure" in hell is absolutely fascinating but it was very poorly done!
Right from the intro, w/o having seen any spoilers I could tell exactly who the bad guy was going to be and what was going to happen.
Really, if they're going to make new movies, they need to explore more plot potentials. Ichigo powering up to go rescue someone while saving the world is way old.
I still like the artwork, it's a shame I can't stand Ichigo and fights that take 5 chapters long.
Tis a standing joke with my friend and I - You'll know if that villain/Aizen will triumph becoz he looks super kakkoi in his new clothes design. The uglier they are, the more their asses will be kicked.
And, who cares about the plot - it's Kubo. I think at this point, people are reading Bleach to see what Kubo would do next rather than bother with any semblance of any plotlines anymore. LOL! I have to admit, Kubo does do interesting twists contrary to what fans would predict he do. He's Kubo-fucking-Tite. LOL!
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