
Jul 14, 2005 18:44

have you ever...
1. Fallen for someone who hates you? no i don't think so
2. Made out with just a friend? a few times
3. Been rejected? yes
4. Been in love? once
5. Used someone? i'm not that much of an asshole
6. Been used? i don't know, maybe
7. Been kissed? yup sure have
8. Done something you regret? "regrets are worthless, they misconstrue the past and sound" but yes

Who was the last person...
9. You sexually touched? let's not go there
10. You talked to? Christina
11. You hugged? my mom
12. You instant messaged? Christina
13. You kissed? bridgett, haha
14. You had sex with? your mom!.. jk no one
15. You yelled at? dad
16. You laughed with? kids at work
17. Who broke your heart? let's not go there either, if you know me, you know the answer
18. Who told you they loved you? my grandma

Do you...
19. Color your hair? did once or twice
20. Have any birthmarks? i got one on my leg, its like 2 feet long
21. Have any piercings? nope sure don't
22. Have a 6 pack? yea kinda, just hope im not getting fat
23. Own your own house? i need to get the fuck out of this one
24. Own a nice car? 91 accord is pimp.. yea.. heh
25. Speak any languages? english and german
26. Cook your own dinner? sometimes
27. Laze in the bath often? i don't take baths, i shower
28. Know your height and weight? yea, i do

Have you / Do you / Are you...
29. Stolen anything? that's wrong, so no
30. Smoked? never have
31. Taken drugs? nope
32. Obsessive? dunno
33. Compulsive? with certain things
34. Obsessive compulsive? i don't think so
35. Panic? when shit doesn't go right
36. Anxiety? ditto ^^
37. Depressed? nah i try not to, it's not good
38. Control Freak? i don't have to be in control all the time
39. Obsessed with hate? hate is bad..
40. Dream of mutilated bodies? what the fuck is this question lol

41. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? back at school... ugh living here is bad at times
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body? i can speak, that kind of freaks people out sometimes
43. What feature do you find most attractive on girls? face and shape. personality is a must.
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? not hillary, haha
45. Would you marry for money? no. only for love
46. Have you had braces? nope my teeth arent that bad
47. Do you like a girl to wear lip gloss? they like it, so it's fine with me
48. Do you sing in the shower? if that's what they call it, yes
49. When was the last time you had a hickey? over two years ago
50. Could you live without a computer? i don't think so, i'd die.
51. Do you use AOL, MSN, Yahoo? aim is awesome, heh
53. If you could live in any past, where would it be? the 70s or so...
54. Do you wear white socks? a lot, but not at work
55. Do you wear shoes? yea i wear pumas and boots but when i really dress up i wear nicer shoes
56. What is your favorite fruit? banana
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white? white bread the majority of the time
58. What is your favorite place to visit? my friends
59. Fave DVD? not too sure, but Garden State is up there.
60. Do you kiss on the first date? if i like the girl, but sometimes they don't think it's right, but that's just bad luck ;)
61. Are you photogenic? sometimes.. i don't know.
62. Do you dream in color or black and white? both
63. What are you wearing right now? khaki shorts and my old senior shirt from high school
64. Do you eat a lot of fruit? not really
65. Do you have any dimples? sure don't.
66. Do you remember being born? who does?
67. Why do you take surveys? bored as hell.
68. Do you drink alcohol? sometimes
69. Did you like high school? it could have been done better.
70. What's the best accent? anything...
71. Who do you want to kiss? you (for girls) your hot sister (for guys)
72. Do you like sunsets? sunsets are good.. i love the night time
73. Do you want to live to be 100? matters on technology and if i can get around and think. alzheimer's runs in my family
74. Are big boobs important to you? no, they aren't.
75. Do you or have you played with a ouija board? never have
76. Are you loyal? yea, i do my best to be loyal to girls and i have never cheated
77. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs? yes, i am. i don't mind if someone is gay or if someone is liberal or conservative.
78. When you watch movies, do you like the lights on or off? o double f (off)
79. Do you like your nose? it works ya know.. can pick up smells and shit
80. Do you think you can draw well? haha, i don't think so.. im ok
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? i was 8, parents told me i asked for too much stuff and told me they were santa, and i was like do i still get stuff? they said yes and all was good
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? four. athletic, walking, dress, and boots
83. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday? yes, i do. boots for work and pumas for everything else
84. Do you write poetry? no, i don't. i am most definitely not poetic.
85. Snore? i don't know, but i do talk in my sleep
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? stomach
87. Do you like Cats/Dogs? dogs more than cats
88. Do you lick stamps? when it's required i use one ;)
89. Do you use an electric can opener? it makes life easier
90. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon? that'd be interesting.

91. Do you like your name? it works
92. Were you named after anyone? nope sure wasn't
93. Do you wish on stars? no that's dumb
94. Which finger is your favorite? middle, because i use it for bowling and it has so many useful meanings
95. When did you last cry? january.
96. Do you like your handwriting? it works, it's me so i can't really change it.
97. Who do you admire? people who are motivated and strong willed
98. What is the 1 priority in your life? to not fail
99. What is your favorite meat? chicken
100. Any bad habits? being lazy being one of them...
101. What is your favorite animal? wallaby haha
102. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? matters, im a smartass
103. Are you a daredevil? at times.. ill skydive and stuff maybe one day
104. Have you ever told anyone a secret? who hasn't?
105. Have you ever stolen anything? look to the first set of questions
106. Do looks matter on a girl? as my previous poster said, unforunately, they do
107. Do You Swear? yea, but not as bad as i used to
108. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? that's retarded.
109. Do fish have feelings? they have 5 second memories, so how can they have feelings
110. Are you trendy? i don't know
111. How do you release anger? yell, yea, i have a temper.. meh.
112. Where is your second home? school. god let me be there soon.
113. Do you trust others easily? well it matters
114. What was your favorite toy as a child? legos
115. What class in school do you think is useless? biology because it's not my major
116. Do you like love songs? matters on the mood, haha
117. Have you ever been on radio or television? yea kidtalk back in the hayday
118. Do you have a journal? yea i even sometimes post
119. Do you use sarcasm a lot? me? pssh. haha
120. Have you ever been in another country? do dreams count? haha. no.
121. What do you look for in a girl? personality is good, but sadly you can't ignore looks in this day and age
122. What is your nickname(s)? Nick
123. Would you bungee jump? sure would
124. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? slip them all in slip them all off
125. What are you worried about right now? my dad being really mad at me
126. Do you ever wear overalls? hmmm, alright farmer john. hahahhaa. no
127. Do you think you are strong? matters really
128. What's your least favorite thing in the world? failure
129. How many wisdom teeth do you have? none, got them removed when i was 16
130. What would you change about yourself? might as well not change anything, but vision would be nice!!
131. What is your star sign? virgo
132. How vivid are your dreams? some of them are pretty vivid. last night i had a dream i bowled bad and it pissed me off haha
133. Bath or Shower? showers are so awesome.
134. Gold Or Silver? white gold is the best :)
135. What is your best feature? eyes, hands down.
136. Do you file your finger nails? no, i clip them
137. What sport do you play? bowling
138. Do you do your own shopping? yea doesn't everyone at this age
139. Can you dance? i am a white GUY. there's your answer
140. Would you prefer to lay or stand? lay is much better
141. What do you wear in bed? pajama pants or shorts
142. How often do you shower? every day!
143. What is your biggest fear? failure, alone
144. Would you make love on a first date? no, i have high standards.. no sluts
145. Would you date a single mother? milf! hahaha ;) of course i would.
146. What would you do if you couldn't father children? that would suck, but i don't think that'll be a problem.
147. Do you believe in life after death? sure do
148. What is your ambition? to succeed
149. Do you have any crushes? sure do...
150. How do you drink coffee? through a straw ;)
151. Fave sex position? don't have one
152. Do you gel your hair? yea at times
153. Cologne? cologne is useful at times.. but never too much
154. Where do you wish you were right now? school
155. Would you recommend a one night stand? matters.. but no not really
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