
Mar 03, 2005 20:58

Really its been so long. What have you all been up to ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

ilyafe March 4 2005, 13:40:38 UTC
The Pacers...aren't they from Indiana?

(speaking of no basketball knowledge)

I'm glad you like her :)


fattred1 March 4 2005, 18:46:24 UTC

I live just north of Indianapolis.


Come on, Lebron James!?!?!?!?!?! mgwright77 March 4 2005, 19:18:39 UTC
Are you sure we're really brothers?

You should have given me your ticket, i would have enjoyed the game alot more than you! :)


bloodyscotsman March 6 2005, 08:26:47 UTC
Whoa, nice car man, however my days of going 118 mph(more like 102) are over. Too many speeding tickets my friend, so I've learned just to go with the flow of traffic, but making sure I'm not the fastest car in the lead of the pack.

Your life seems like it's back to normal at least to me, and congrats with the gf. I stopped paying attention to basketball a few years back, but the NFL is a different story.

Well my weekend warrior and fellow devil dog it's good to hear from ya, and you take it easy now. Later... :)


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