(no subject)

Mar 31, 2004 13:15

I Am Ugly

How many mirrors has your ugly face broken? By its self? None. But I broken plenty of mirrors just from getting sick of looking in them

How many mirrors do you have in your bedroom? None, broke them all.

Do you avoid having your picture taken? All the time, sometimes with the normal 'putting your hands in front of your face' rutine. Others with just ruthless attacking on my part.

Were you made fun of in school for being ugly? Yep Ive gotten everything from "You look like a guy" to being referred to as 'that ugly chick you hang out with'

What are your nicknames for being ugly? I dont really have nicknames...well atleast not that I know of.

Have you ever looked at Swamp Thing and thought "ditto"? Minus the slime and being green, you know Im there

Do you wear make-up? How much and how often? Just eye liner and eye shaddow. You know, to excentuate how already sucken in my eyes are.

When babies have to look at you, do they cry? No they laugh...like everyone else

Do you avoid going places because you are so gross? No I avoid going places becasue of my anxiety and paranoia...but thats something different.

Do you fail at every attempt to look better? Who sais I make attempts anymore?

Do you ever look at Clint Howard or Linda Tripp and wish you were that pretty? Eh, not really...

Do you ever attempt to wear hip or modern clothes only to realize that your ugliness overshadows the entire wardrobe? Ive given into wearing whatever  I like no matter HOW bad it looks on me. Yesterday I had on ripped black and white striped thigh high stockings...now THATS a fashion statement

Are you ugly "on the inside" as well? Why or why not? Probably..but I dont get much past the outside...

Do you look like this person? Nahh...

In your opinion, what makes you so ugly? The fact that Im 15 and weigh 96 lbs..I get called anorexic too much. My chin and my legs....eww...

[submit your photo here]

haha if only you could see my other one...I'll try to get it soon...

I Am A Retard

Are you actually mentally challenged? No, but that could be easily debated

Were you ever in Special Ed? When and Why? Not exactly special ed but alot of 'help' classes. I have Math recource and AIS (academic intervention services) thats for when your real stupid and the school notices and trys to stop it.

What is your most retarded moment?

(it doesn't count if you were stoned)
 Most retarded? hmm hard to say. Could be the countless times Ive tripped over my own two feet. Or the times that Ive ran into pillars in my school. But my most infamous moment would have to be when I was walking with a group of friends (not paying attention like always) and I walked into a sign out in front of a beauty parlor that said 'walk in's welcome'. The never let me live that down.

Do you spit/drool when you talk? I drool alot...

Do you spit when you eat? No, not always

Do you dance like a retard, especially when there is no music playing? AHHH I do that all the time! I dont even notice anymore I'll just randomly be talking to someone and I'll start 'dancing' and Ive actually influenced a bunch of my friends to do it...whoops...

Have you ever been mentioned in tardblog.com? If so, which part?
Not that I know of...should I be?

Did you ever fail a grade? Which one and why? Yep 9th ...why? Because everyone sais I was in a 'daze' the whole year

Is it hard for people to understand you when you speak? Yeah, I mumble incoherently too much for my own good. And if you can understand me, Im usually saying something random and irrational

Do you wear a football helmet but you're not on the team? I have I have..but only because it looked good on me.

Did you parents ever call you "special"? Haha all the time. Usually though its 'ditz' or 'your airheaded'

Do you often have uncontrollable, spastic gestures? I twitch ALOT. Ask any of my friends...

Do people compare you to Arnie Grape from What's Eating Gilbert Grape?? If not, from what movie with a retard do they compare you to? No, my parents arent clever enough to compair...

Do you do drugs? If so, what kind? No actually I dont do any...which when people hear that theyre like 'are you sure?'

Have you ever wondered: What are munities?? What are they? If you tell me maybe I can use it around my friends and sound smart.

In your opinion, what makes you so retarded? The fact that I used spell check so much on this survey...

[submit your photo here]
yeah..I'll get it later
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