I Am A Retard
Are you actually mentally challenged?
To friends and family..yes.
Were you ever in Special Ed? When and Why?
I am in a special class to learn how to study
What is your most retarded moment?
That would be when i was running down the stairs too fast and slammed right into the door..but thats not all, after i was done i did it again because i thought it was funny...but i have moments that are worse..i just cant remember them all right now./
Do you spit/drool when you talk?
It depends really, sometimes i am like a rain storm.
Do you spit when you eat?
Do you dance like a retard, especially when there is no music playing?
All the time, you should come see it, it really is a sight.
Have you ever been mentioned in
tardblog.com? If so, which part?
I dont know what that is/
Did you ever fail a grade? Which one and why?
No. Because sometimes im not retarded.
Is it hard for people to understand you when you speak?
Most of the time.
Do you wear a football helmet but you're not on the team?
I actually have before, that and i was wearing a fireman helmet while walking around salvation army once..
Did you parents ever call you "special"?
My mom, yes.
Do you often have uncontrollable, spastic gestures?
All the time.
Do people compare you to Arnie Grape from What's Eating Gilbert Grape?? If not, from what movie with a retard do they compare you to? Its always the fat retarded little girl with glasses i get compared to.
Do you do drugs? If so, what kind?
Have you ever wondered: What are munities??
In your opinion, what makes you so retarded?
Well, i dont get my oxygen to my brain..and my mom dropped me...i think.
P.s, I am retarded.
Thank you.