All you ever wanted to know about Matt Holmes.... (and some stuff you wish you didnt) =)
1)What time are you starting this? 2:35pm
2) Name?: Matt Holmes
3) Date of birth?: 12/22/82
4) Sex?: Male
5) Height?: 5'10"
6) Eye color?: Hazel
7) Weight?: 145lbs
8) Location?: West Lafayette, Indiana
9) School?: Trying to get back into college... =\
10) Have you ever failed a grade?: Not a grade, but quite a few classes.
11) If you have, what grade did you fail?: n/a
12) Do you have crush on someone?: You bet!
13) Do you have a bf/gf?: Girlfriend.
14) What are you wearing right now?: Jeans and a white sweatshirt.
15) Would you have sex before marriage?: I dont think I can answer that anymore. =)
16) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Ew...
17) Are you a virgin?: See #15
18) Do you smoke?: Yech.
19) Do you drink?: Sometimes.
20) Are you ghetto?: RECK-O-NIZE!
21) Are you a player?: Big pimp'n, yo.
22) What are your favorite colors?: Green
23) What is your favorite animal?: Any. As long as it doesnt smell like asshole.
24) Do you have any birthmarks?: Skin discoloration on me knee.
25) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: I studied Tae-Kwon-Do at a very young age.... So, no.
26) Who is/are your best friend(s)?: Patty, but all my buds from Highschool and from the band are great too. =)
27) Have you ever beat someone up?: Unfortunately, yes. A few times.
28) Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Patty.
29) Have you ever been slapped?: Oh yeah.... but I think i probably deserved it.
30) Do you get online a lot?: When do I ever log off?
31) Are you shy or outgoing?: Dependant on the situation. Im "quiet" rather than shy.
32) Do you shower?: Daily.
33) Do you hate school?: Sometimes... even though I'm not currently enrolled.
34) Do you have a social life?: If you count Dark Age of Camelot as life... Then hell yes.
35) How easily do you trust people?: Too easily.
36) Have you ever lied to your best friend(s)?: Nope.
37) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: I'm not very secretive.
38) Do you like to dance?: No. I'm white. White guys dance like they're on fire, or something.
39) Have you ever been out of state?: Yep, a few times.
40) Do you like to travel?: No. Hate it with the most intense of passions.
41) Have you ever been suspended from school?: No, but an academic probation might count. I suxxorz at teh math.
42) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: Dont live in my hometown anymore, but I wouldnt mind living out of my homestate.
43) Are you spoiled?: *sighs/facepalms* My grandmother is a nice lady. Even when I tell her not to be =p
44) Are you a brat?: I dont think so, but some might say otherwise =)
45) Have you ever been dumped?: Who hasnt?
46) What's your favorite drink?: Vanilla Pepsi
47) Do you like Snapple?: Only because I can make the cool morse-code sounds with the bottlecap.
48) Do you drink a lot of water?: Water is bad for you. Millions of people drown it it every year.
49) What toothpaste do you use?: The minty kind.
50) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: Cell phone. What the hell good is a pager?
51) Do you have a curfew?: No, but the woman yells at me to come to bed all the time =p
52) Who do you look up to?: My dad.
53) Are you a role model?: Hah! Doubtful.
54) Have you ever been to Six Flags?: Sure.
55) What name brand do you wear the most?: Hanes? Fruit of the Loom?
56) What jewelry do you wear? A shiny watch.
57) What do you have pierced?: Nothing.
58) What do you want pierced?: I dont need any more holes in my body.
59) Do you like taking pictures?: YES!... Too bad I dont have a camera.
60) Do you like getting your picture taken?: I dont mind.
61) Do you have a tan?: Um... pasty white is more of a shade, i think.
62) Do you get annoyed easily?: Sometimes.
63) Have you ever started a rumor?: Gossiping isnt my thing.
64) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: Who the hell wrote this thing? Some highschool punk, probably. Some of us grown-ups have quite a bit of "our own" property. Like houses, cars, pizza ovens, and phonelines.... Wait, I dont have a pizza oven...
65) Do you have your own pool?: *sigh*
66) Do you have any siblings?: A younger sister who looks twice her age, and acts half it.
67) Have you ever been played?: What?... like in Halo or something?
68) Have you ever played anyone?: .... like in Halo?
69) Do you get along with your parents?: Sure. Now that I've long sense moved out =p
70) How do you vent your anger?: Bottle it inside forever and ever. Its healthy.... IT IS! =)
72) Have you ever been fired from a job?: *grumble* Not until just recently.... Fucka's.
73) Do you even have a job?: ...I hate questionaires like this. Why do I even bother?... Oh yeah, i have nothing better to do.
74) Do you daydream a lot?: Sure.
75) Do you have a lot of exes?: Not really.
76) Do you run your mouth?: Remember me saying that I was the quiet type?
77) What do you want a tattoo of?: A butt, on my butt. *rolls eyes*
78) What do you have a tattoo of?: None.
79) What are your favorite flowers?: Plastic ones.
80) What does your ex bf/gf look like?: My ex? Who cares?
81) What does your most recent crush look like? Red/brown hair, green eyes,.... and hawt.
82) Have you ever been bitched out?: Too frequently =\
83) When was the last time you bitched someone out?: Dont remember... that means I'm due for another here soon.
84) Are you rude?: I have a mean streak in me... sometimes.
85) When was the last compliment you received?: I dont remember that either. =\
86) Do you like getting dirty?: .....
87) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: You mean there are TWO kinds?... thats blasphemy.
88) Are you flexible?: I'm no contortionist, but I'm fairly limber.
89) What is your heritage?: Never really researched that... I should look into it. I'm fairly sure that I'm English. Possibly trails of Irish and German. Not really sure yet though.
90) What is your lucky number?: -42
91) What does your hair look like right now?: .... I need a haircut. I've been referred to as "Mulletman" and thats just not right.
92) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: I like beef... But not as much as Patty does ;)
93) Who are the most important persons in the world to you?: That Patty girl, once again.
94) Describe your looks?: Remember Gollem from Lord of the Rings?.... Yeah....
95) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: *shrug* Is vanity really all that important?
96) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: Hey, if they're old enough to crawl, they're in the right position.... I'm going to hell, I know.
97) Would you ever date someone older than you?: Already have.
98) When was the last time you were drunk?: Dec 22, 2003.
99) When was the last time you went on a date?: Dont remember the day, but I think Patty and I went to O'Charley's for dinner.
100) Would you rather give or receive oral sex?: Who said giving is better than receiving? They LIED!
101) Have you ever given?: Sort of...
102) Have you ever received?: Yeah buddy.
103) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: I dont, but the fucking people at McDonalds like to disorder my order all the time.
105) How many rings until you answer the phone?: I dont like answering my phone. Usually people wanting money I dont have. Quit calling me, cockbites!
106) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: Nope... *adds that to the "To Do" list*
107) If yes, when was the last time?: n/a
108) Do you look more like your mother or father?: My dad. Almost a spitting image of the younger version of him.
109) Do you cry a lot?: No.
110) Do you ever cry to get your way?: No... Hey, thats a good idea...
111) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: ....Um, pass?
112) What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: "Hello?" =p
113) Are you the romantic type?: Oui.
114) Have you ever been chased by cops?: Chased is such a harsh term.... Trailed, possibly.
115) What do you like most about your body?: I r teh secksah man.
116) What do you like least about your body?: *shrug* See #115..... christ how long is this thing?
117) Who was the last person you kissed?: Patty, when she woke me up this morning. I think, anyway... I kinda fell back asleep.
118) When was the last time you threw up?: About 3 months ago? I dont really remember.
119) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: WTF? Red heads dont make the list?
120) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: White.
121) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: Maybe if I were gay...
122) What about cleavage?: What cleavage would that be?... This is starting to get silly. It needs to end already.
123) Is your best friend a virgin? No. I made sure of that. =D
124) Have you ever fucked someone up?: Wtf kind of question is that?
125) Have you ever been fucked up?: ....
126) What color are your underwear right now?: I bought them white, but they've kinda faded and grown greyish yellow with age.... WITH AGE, you sicko. I need new underwear. *adds that to the "To Buy" list*
127) What theme does your room have?: No comment. I need to paint the whole house.
128) What size shoe do you wear?: 11... Yeah, you know what that means.
129) How are you feeling right now?: Frustrated and pissed that this goddamn thing hasnt come to an end yet.
130) When was the last time you were at a party?: New years at the Martin's place, and Ween in a few days with the Steeles!
131) Have you ever given a lapdance?: I aint no whooore.
132) What do you sleep in?: A bed?
133) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Let them talk..... Bitches. =p
134) What is one of your bad qualities?: Apathy! Yay, apathy.
135) What is one of your good qualities?: ... Um, consistancy?
136) Would you marry for money?: I'm poor, but not that poor.
137) What do you drive? Cattle.... Or a car... whichever is more believable.
138) Have you ever given or received roadhead? No, and nor will I. I forbid it. I'm not risking peoples lives in my car while I'm getting roadhead..... I can wait til we get home, or wherever we're going =)
139) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: Neither?
140) What's does your lj username mean?: Faulen.... Its just a name I use in a few games I play.
142) When was the last time you cried in school?: Kindergarden? Hell I dont know.
143) Do you wear Chucks?: No. I'm not trendy.
144) For two million dollars, would you pose for playboy?: You bet your ass I would! I think it would be really funny if a guy posed naked in an all-girl mag. I can just imagine the horrified look on some poor schmuck when he's flipping through Playboy, while wank'n it, and turns the page to see ME in all my nekkidness. It would be funny, and well worth 2mil.
145) What time are you finishing this?: 3:39.... It took me an hour to finish this?! Jesus, i must'a been really bored.