So. I now own, an espresso machine.
I'm not sure why Wal Mart sold it to me.... it's kinda like selling a crack addict.....
Yeah. I don't know enough about drugs to finish that statement without making myself look extremely dumb/naive. So we'll just stop and admit I can't make a proper analogy. Lol
But we got the machine home, and realize, that a steaming pitcher, and other odds and ends, don't come with this machine. (shocker. It's a 70 dollar Wal Mart grade one.. dunno what I was expecting! Lol) So..... we go to Starbucks, figuring they'd have something, maybe.
We get there, and they have this cute little kit, it has an espresso scoop, latte spoon, thermometer, shot glasses for the espresso, and a steaming pitcher for the milk.
All of course, emblazoned with the lovely Starbucks logo.
So.. I swallowed my pride...and we paid the 29 bucks to buy the kit.... cause it really did look good quality. And I mean... it's not like I was buying Starbucks espresso, right? So no worries.
Next day, we went around to coffee shops, looking for espresso. Everyone was closed, or out, or 17 dollars a pound.
So, I opt to look at Wal Mart, and buy some espresso there. Won't be amazing quality, but I'm just learning this new machine anyway, so, ah well.
We get to Wal Mart, get all Moms groceries, and get over the the coffee aisle.
Most, if not all, of their espresso, is whole bean. My coffee grinder, is MIA at the moment.
OH! There was ONE that was pre-ground. The starbucks blend.
So, while I'm standing there debating if I'm going to sell my soul to the devil or not, Tylor calls Matt, so he wanders off, and Mom gets agitated that I'm impatient, and SHE wanders off, leaving me standing there putting way too much thought and effort into espresso choice.
Finally, I realize -- duh. Wal Mart has a coffee grinder!
Soooo.. .I dump the espresso into the grinder, and hit the button. It makes its little whrrrr whrrrr noise, and spits ground espresso out!! Ta Da!!!!
Well. It spit about an ounce of ground coffee out.
Apparently, there was something wrong with the grinder. And I hadn't bothered to check....and had most likely, just made it a whole lot worse.
So I messed with it for a while, trying to make it work, and grind the rest of my coffee, (without grinding any fingers in the process). Matt walked by a few times, still on the phone... I tihnk I got a little more coffee out, but not enough.
Ten minutes after I started, I ended up just grabbing the Starbucks espresso, and just dealing with it.
It's really not too bad. I mean, I can definitely telll it's not my fave, but I'm trying to not be picky and all starbucks-must-die... cause really, I don't have too much of a choice right now.
I do however, think its funny that I'm so anti starbucks, and not only am I using their equipment... but drinking their espresso at home.