Title: The Seduction of Jimmy Wilson
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: Let's call it NC-17, better to be safe than sorry.
Word Count: 6315
Spoilers: Not really. Vague references to Love Hurts, that's about it.
Author's Notes: Don't look at me, I just write it. THEY did this. Okay, so I poked them for some smut, but this wasn't quite what I originally
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Comments 59
So good. *Adds to memories*
*gets excited* Aww, yay! This is the first time I've had something memoried *beams* Thank you!
Yay, thank you! *beams*
I love how Wilson was waiting for House to figure it out.
Hehe, even a genius can be really dense when it comes to things like that.
The hypothesis was great, I really thought you had House nailed.
Clearly, Wilson was in love with him. He just didn't know it yet.
::snort:: Perfect.
1 - James Wilson Is Gay Insufficiently Straight
Very much so!
::snort:: Perfect.
Hehe, cause House always knows what people are thinking, even if they don't know it themselves ;)
I'm glad you liked it!
And this line was pure awesomeness: It puzzled him that someone like himself, a doctor, someone who'd spent years studying the way the human body was put together, could find himself so deeply engrossed in the simple act of tracing the curve of a spine.
Doctors in love are so cute. :)
Thank you *bg* Considering he already conducts little experiments on the people around him, I didn't think it was too much of a stretch to think he'd do the same to work this out.
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