Title: The Seduction of Jimmy Wilson
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: Let's call it NC-17, better to be safe than sorry.
Word Count: 6315
Spoilers: Not really. Vague references to Love Hurts, that's about it.
Author's Notes: Don't look at me, I just write it. THEY did this. Okay, so I poked them for some smut, but this wasn't quite what I originally
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Comments 59
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So perfect of House to think he's got the low down and in fact being a bit behind the times.
He's too confident for his own good, he needs to "lose" now and then, and I thought he wouldn't mind losing this one *eg*
And I love how he thinks he has to experiment on Wilson :D
*stares* You may just have given me a plotbunny...we'll see *goes to make notes on the theme of experimentation*
Bwah! I'm home sick today, and this really cheered me up! It's funny and hot and pretty much perfect! Love it! ;)
Thank you! Considering that this piece tormented me while I was sick, I'm glad it did SOMETHING good for a sick person! :D
I'm prone to over-writing smut, so I've been working on simplifying it, and letting a lack of detail provoke the imagination without needing to spell out every single step in the process. But I have a deep loathing of bad euphamisms and "Mills and Boon"-esque language in sex scenes, so the ridiculous verbs were always out of the question :D
I'm attempting to write more, but my muse has always and will always be temperamental. But I'm detemined to get a few more pieces out of my recent return to writing, before it all vanishes again, so I'll see if I can be firm on the topic.
Thanks for commenting! *bg*
It's really strange getting all these replies cause I see my own writing from a fairly negatively biased point of view. I'm spending a lot of time grinning like a lunatic and blushing. But it's lovely! So thank you for contributing to making me grin and blush *G*
Also, your icon? Too good :D
Seriously, this is totally added to memories. Which I don't do often. So yay for you! ^_^
Thanks for the icon!love. I made it myself in shitty MSPaint. Just like I made this one. I have next to no computer skillz, so glad that the marginal skillz I do have can create things that amuse... :-D
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