Title: What's In a Name?
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: None
Author's Notes: I was writing notes for myself about something I wanted to use in a later fic, and the way it phrased itself suggested this.
House knows that Wilson is always "Wilson". Would be Wilson even if the world turned upside-down or if everything fell down around his ears.
Even in his deepest and most personal thoughts, he knows that Wilson is always "Wilson".
He's occasionally mockingly addressed as "Jimmy", but he normally only gets "James" as part of "James Wilson".
But sometimes, in a moment of weakness, perhaps, or when the endorphins had influenced his thought processes, or in those rarest, strangest moments of intimacy and intensity, if he was anything other than Wilson, to House, it would only be a hoarsely whispered "James".