Title: Degrees of Love
Pairing: Essentially House/Wilson
Word Count: 2502
Spoilers: References to Control, Love Hurts, and Honeymoon through to Need to Know.
Author's Notes: Parts of this were quite difficult. I'm not used to writing some of these POVs and several of them I don't like writing, they clash too much with my own opinions of
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Comments 6
Can I make a few suggestions? If not, stop reading here...
I think Wilson would probably think of House as "House" rather than Greg. I think Stacy would probably think of Wilson as "James".
Some of House's thoughts on Wilson are a little too tell and not enough show. I don't know if House would be so clear on his feelings about Wilson to be able to suggest that Wilson is the only one who gets his genuine smiles? Even if he is, I think you can be more roundabout in the way you convey this to the audience.
I think I was writing "Greg" because I've spent so much time working on "Dreams" lately that it was automatic, but this is a pre-slash, so I think you're right, "House" is more appropriate. And you're right about Stacy as well, she only calls him Wilson when she's talking to Greg. This is the first piece I've written from her POV and I found it a bit difficult. It's hard to write someone I dislike.
And I hadn't really gone over the House part, I only finished it last night and I was just so glad to get it done that I spellchecked and posted. But I think you're right, he isn't that obvious even in his own head.
I'm glad you liked it anyway, though *g*
On the other hand, there were two small typos I picked up. I don't think many people would pay attention, if they weren't so neurotic like I am. Here they are:
-1- James had been concerned for her affect on Greg, but assured her that he was doing as well as he would let himself these days.\
I think that the affect should be effect. Here, the word is used as a noun, and since affect is a verb, it should be effect, which is a noun.
-2- James had been so concerned about her affect on him, why hadn't he noticed the bitterness, the drive for revenge?
Same thing here which the affect/effect thing.
Anyway, once again, I love it. I must go read it again.
The interesting thing in the development of this one is that I got the title almost before I'd started, but it wasn't till I'd finished the first section that the angles actually occurred to me. It just all seemed to fit into place, somehow.
Thanks for the comment and for catching those mistakes for me *g*
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