Title: Choice
Pairing: Wilson/House
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Sleep deprived. Sick. Would quite like to be sleeping. Instead, House is bugging me.
Summary: What you need is meaningless, it's what you choose that matters.
He'd never say he can't live without Wilson. He could, easily. He just doesn't want to, just like the vicodin.
And why should he, when he doesn't have to?
Besides, what does it mean, to say you can't live without something or someone? It doesn't mean much at all. He can't live without air, but that doesn't mean he particularly likes it, he doesn't even notice it, only its absence.
Want means more. Want means he cares. Want means he has a choice, a conscious choice. That he makes a choice. And he chooses Wilson.
Every day, he chooses Wilson.