Title: Cane Envy
Characters/Pairing: House/Wilson
Word Count: 100
Rating: M (for innuendo again)
Spoilers: For Safe, sort of.
Author's Notes: Will make absolutely no sense if you haven't seen the stethoscope on the door scene in Safe.
He'd pulled a disgusted face as the realisation of what House meant had sunk in, but he'd known immediately that he'd overdone it. If House hadn't been so distracted by his current patient, he would definitely have called him on his overreaction.
Still, the idea of having sat out there (and stood, and leant, and wandered) for all that time, while House slowly worked himself to orgasm...gah! He tried to focus on the conversation at hand...oh dear...
Wilson was suddenly terribly, terribly jealous of House's right hand.
And, to his profound confusion, and not insignificant concern, his cane.