Skarmory ; Calm Nature ; Level 7
Starter. It thoroughly reminds her of Marco with how he is very protective and vigilant. He seems to be content with remaining his Pokeball whenever Jeanne doesn't need him, but when he is let out, he makes sure to attend to her when she seems lost and balance out her naivete. Just as Shamash used his presence to instill respect, Skarmory does essentially the same thing.
Sentret ; Jolly Nature ; Level 5
Met at Route 29. A Pokemon that Jeanne came across during her travels with Lyserg and while she was experimenting with this 'Pokemon Catching System', she managed to succesfully capture Sentret. She's very pleased with how adorable the Pokemon is and enjoys doting upon it, as it's very happy-go-lucky way of bouncing around amuses her greatly.
Anna Kyouyama
Shaman King
Someone that Jeanne doesn't know very well, though she does have a very commanding prescence as is. And while Jeanne will not immediately bend her will to a stranger, she knows that the other girl is likely not easily persuaded either. She's come to learn that she is Yoh's fiancee and while that offputs her some, she normally chooses to put that thought out of her mind. For the time being, she will do her best to avoid getting on the girl's bad side.
Horohoro Usui
Shaman King
Another one of Yoh's companions and one of the Five Warriors that Jeanne knew to some degree, and she recalls reviving him from the dead from the Plant of the Valley as well. Though they aren't very familiar with one another, Jeanne already has begun to worry about him due to his most recent run-in with the berries. If she were to worry about any of the Five Warriors, it would likely be him. Nonetheless, she finds him to be very kind otherwise and someone that she knows to a certain degree. ... even if she can't always remember or pronounce his name correctly.
Hao Asakura
Shaman King
Former Enemy
Despite being raised to believe that Hao was the source of all the world's evil, recent events have caused her to be forced to think otherwise. It took her guardian's death and final lecture to inform her that Hao can only be saved if given love. Thus making it highly awkward for her to speak with him and she tries to be as courteous as possible, though she still doesn't like him at all. It is a forced neutrality and while she no longer hates him, the only reason she has behind 'loving' him is because Marco told her to. So for Marco, she'll try to like Hao. It's not very easy, though.
Lyserg Diethel
Shaman King
Colleague & Not!Brother
Since first meeting during the course of the Shaman Fight, Jeanne's been able to see Lyserg for his own person as opposed to just another one of her subordinates. She only has the highest opinion of him and believes him to be a very valiant and kind person. He's always there for her when she needs him, and has taken upon himself the burden of watching out for her well-being since Marco no longer can. She'd do anything she could to make Lyserg's life a bit easier, as she has come to regard him as a very good friend of hers. Simply put, she adores him and hopes that he will be able to cast aside his hatred for Hao, if only because holding on to the hatred weighs him down. Just as he watches out for her, she wishes to return the favor.
Men Tao
Shaman King
Future Son
According to this child, Jeanne's future involves marrying Tao Ren and ending up with a happy family. Though it is not at all what she expected and she's a little suspicious, she can't deny that the child has a mixture of her features with Ren's. Honestly, she's not very happy with his development because of his negative views upon other people and general rudeness. She aims to correct that as she continues to keep an eye on him and already she is getting attached to the boy. Though she's not at all a capable mother yet, her affection for him is honest and true.
Ren Tao
Shaman King
... ?
Supposedly the one who she marries in the future. She's not entirely sure how to feel about that, as what she normally remembers about Ren is how he constantly would get into danger and she would bring him back to life. It certainly doesn't seem like much to build a relationship on. However, if only for Men's sake, she's willing to see what more there is to Tao Ren and is slowly beginning to trust him. Just barely is she beginning to see more than the headstrong warrior that always dove headfirst into things, but for now, it is enough. And knowing what the future has in store for them, it would be a lie to say that she isn't nervous about getting to know him.
Yoh Asakura
Shaman King
Hao's twin/descendant/other half of his soul, who Jeanne previously ordered to drop from the Shaman King tournament. However it seems that the air has been cleared for the most part and she is grateful for Yoh's understanding on that front. He's made for a very useful ally and helps keep Hao at bay to some degree, something else that she knows to be thankful for. As is, she finds Yoh to be a very optimistic and friendly person, and someone that she respects to some degree, though she's not sure if she is to trust him any further than that.
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