I had this argument with someone in RL the other day, so Feminist rant coming up.About how in some ways, I'm a "typical" feminist (notice use of quotes) and in some ways I'm an anti-thesis of it, ergo, I'm not one.
I disagree entirely:
I am a feminist.
I don't shave my legs, because I'm too lazy.
I don't wear skirts. (why? See above)
I wear jeans and pants, and whatever I feel comfortable
I wear make-up. I love make-up.
I wear my hair short. Because it's comfortable and managable.
I love shoes. The higher the heels the better.
In short, I am me. I don't like subscribing to labels. Those of the "typical" feminists (or feminazis as detractors prefer to call them) there are no typical feminists, there are radicals, moderates, liberallists, womanists. There are many kinds, each subscribing to the basic ideology of equality between sexes. Men and women were born different but equal. As a woman, I deserve the same rights, as men. We are as superior or inferior as men. Society places expectations on genders and these are internalized and passed down across generations through cultural artefacts. This has to stop. Expectations should be developed as a result of one's self-identity, not because of internalized cultural values.
I don't want to get married. I don't want children. This is not because I'm feminist. What's feminist about my ideals is that I'm putting my needs before the needs of what my culture/society deems appropriate for my gender, which demands that I finish my graduation and get married, and settle down and let my husband take care of me.
I may get married, I may have children, but I would do it, because I want too. Because it my individual choice, independent of societal/cultural needs/expectations. I want to take care of myself, am I not, a living, breathing, thinking human being? So what makes it so, that I can't take care of myself?
I would never go on a date and expect my date (because he happens to be male) to pay for me. I don't personally approve of chivalry, I personally believe it's an extention of patriarchy, opening doors, hailing cabs, etc etc. probably originally came from what I believe to the belief that women need people to take care of them. But that's me. Of course, I also think, that sometimes chivalry is contextual, it depends on the person doing it. But then again that often few and far between.
my flist may or may not agree with me, you're welcome to disagree, and I would love to hear it if you have an opposing/different view. This is what I believe, and it would be foolish and narrow-minded of me to think that everyone has to agree with me.