Brigit's Flame Sept 2014 Challenge (Week One) - Trouble

Sep 07, 2014 01:45

Title: Trouble
Author: Florence A. Watson
Length: 191 words
Written for: Brigit's Flame September 2014 Challenge (Week One)
Prompt: "Ya Got Trouble" from musical The Music Man

He was really very little to cause so much trouble. The first night the puppy howled disconsolately. It was clearly because he was lonely and frightened at being alone in a strange place, without his mother or the rest of the litter. They provided an alarm clock and that seemed to quiet him. In the morning they’d come down to find the shoes by the door all higgledy-piggledy. Dad’s workboots had chew marks on the toe. They had been shut in the closet the next evening. He’d chewed the carpet instead. He’d been shut in the closet the third night. He scratched all the paint work off the door in desperation to get out. Mum was not pleased at having to clean up the dog faeces in the morning. He dug up the newly planted daffodil bulbs in the garden the next day. The final straw came when he ate the meat that had been left to defrost on the counter (and then was sick all over the kitchen floor).

“We’ve decided a cat would be better,” explained Mum on Friday as she returned him to the farm where they’d got him.
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