Title: Coffee
Author: Florence A. Watson
Written for: Brigit’s Flame Challenge - October 2014 (week three)
Prompt: Taste (Note: I did not use any of the secondary prompts of comfort foods)
Genre: Fiction, Contemporary
Length: 100 words (a drabble)
“Don’t you just love coffee!” she enthused.
He shrugged as he lifted the mug to his lips. At 6 a.m. strong coffee might be a necessity to get the old gearbox started, but love?
“Iced coffee on a hot summer’s day... rum and coffee topped with cream before a blazing fire on a cold winter’s evening....” She smiled as she sipped. “Coffee cake mid-morning....” Her body shivered, before her voice deepened to a sultry purr, “Cafe-au-lait chocolates after dinner.”
He scooped her up, tasting her coffee with his kiss. The drink might not have woken him up, but she had.
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