Title: A Cat’s Perspective
Author: Florence A. Watson
Written for: Brigit’s Flame Challenge - October 2014 (week four)
Prompt: Smell
Genre: Fiction, Contemporary
Length: 100 words (a drabble)
As he slipped off his loafers, she carefully rubbed her cheek against his ankles. His socks smelled like him, a comforting smell of sweat mixed with calf leather. He stroked her ears, and the back of her head. She purred and rubbed her cheek against his wrist, then sneezed. There it was again! That nasty chemical smell. He’d been with her again. And her cat. The moment he sat down she claimed his lap, kneading it several times before she wriggled on her back. Of course he could not resist her stroking fluffy tummy, marking himself with her scent.
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