Dear Author Letter - Renault Exchange

Feb 03, 2015 23:43

Dear Author:

Thank you for writing my request. I really hope you have fun with it, enjoying the prompts you received. I provided optional details, because I understand they can be helpful. If you prefer to write something different, I am sure I will enjoy that too.

My Requests

Alexander Trilogy - Any Character

Gen is definitely preferred. Where I have asked for a pairing I would prefer the story to focus on the relationship rather than the sex. What were the early days of Phillip’s and Olympias’ marriage like? When (and why) did it start to go sour? I would love a story that tells us something of the period in between Fire from Heaven and The Persian Boy, whether that includes campaigns on the Greek mainland or in Persia. What did Ptolemy really think about proskynesos? Bagoas never expected to feel sympathy for Roxane but... (from Bagoas’ viewpoint). Alternatively: is Roxane happy in her marriage? What does she really think about being on campaign (i.e. Roxane’s viewpoint)? Show us Sisygambis hearing about Alexander’s death. The friendship between Ptolemy and Bagoas Thais/Ptolemy: how does he remain ‘true’ to her even while he makes a dynastic marriage? Tell the story of Phillip’s relationship with Pausanias (when they were more than just king and loyal subject). Show us Alexander through Antipatros’ eyes. How about an AU in which Arridaios isn’t such a fool; what would his relationship with his older brother Alexander been like?

The King Must Die Series - Any Character

Ideas include: (1) Something about the trust between Theseus and the rest of the Cranes during their time with the Cranes; (2) a story that showcases Hippolyta as more than just an adjunct to Theseus; (3) Give us an adventure during Theseus’ and Pirithoos’ marauding days; what did Amyntor really think about the decisions they made during this period of their lives? (4) Show us Theseus’ actions as year king of Eleusis from the perspective of his Queen. (5) Theseus has a difficult relationship with his adult son Hippolytos, but it was not always so. When did it change and why?

The Last of the Wine - Any Character

I really would like something that explores Phaedo; but having said that, if he is not the character that grabs your attention, that is OK as I would be really pleased with anything based on this novel. Some ideas: Anything which sheds a bit more light on Phaedo’s character. For example: how did he manage during the siege of Athens? Alternatively: explore the relationship Phaedo has with Sokrates. Or: what is Phaedo’s relationship with one or more of the following: Alexias, Lysis, Kritias? Or (post-book) how did Phaedo react to Sokrates’ death? Ideas for non-Phaedo stories: Lysis and Thalia - what was their relationship like? Tell us something from Arete’s point of view. What does she think of Alexias’ decision to divert money he earns during the siege toward helping Lysis instead of buying food for his sister Charis, and mother (and unborn brother)? Myron as a young man, friend to Alkibiades - what broke that friendship? What is Phaedo’s relationship with Plato or Xenophon? Show the progression of Lysis’ relationship with Alexias as seen through the eyes of their fathers. How about a glimpse of the future? Perhaps Alexias’ son Myron shows a talent for pankration, and watching his son practice reminds Alexias of seeing Autolykos compete. What was it like to be Sokrates’ son or wife and see him spend so much of his time and attention on people who were not his family?

The Mask of Apollo - Any Character

Something set after the book about Thettalos’ work as a spy for Alexander the Great, preferably including some theatre scenes. Or (during the period of the book) letters back and forth between them when they are apart which give their personal non-political take on the great events of the period, and then how they are when they get back together, maybe after one has had a less than fortunate affair and needs a bit of comforting from the friend he knows will accept him and all his foibles. If you can work in Dion in some way (perhaps showing Nikeratos and Thettalos’ different views about him) so much the better. Nikeratos and Thettalos completing against one another (in different plays with different acting troupes) at Lenaia; how does this place their relationship under strain? Plato teaches Nikeratos and Thettalos, helping them see something new in an old worn out play. Nikeratos and Thettalos are invited by Rupilius to perform in Rome. Gen preferred, or sex alluded to rather than explicitly described, although I don’t object to a well-written slash story, as long as the sex is integral to the plot.

The Praise Singer - Any Character

Here are a few ideas: (1) Bacchylides, Aiskhylos, and Anakreon teach Simonides a thing or two; (2) Tell us more about what happened to Simonides after the end of the novel; (3) Simonides on his farm; he has come to rest but finds himself haunted by a tune. (4) Show a witty evening of Simonides and Lyra together. What is her perspective on the events of the novel and Simonides' tunnel vision? (5)What is the story of Aristogeiton's life at the Court of the tyrants over the years before the plot against Hippias and Hipparchos, as told through Simonides’ eyes. (6) Simonides uses his music; Pythagoras his math; but ultimately both are promoting the same message.

What I like:

• I like stories that are character-driven and also those that are plot-driven (though I prefer the former), but as long as something is well-written I usually like anything (so I suggest you just opt for what you like to write).

• I have no preference about the story being serious or humorous; I think that sort of decision is best left to the author. Witty repartee in dialogue does appeal regardless of whether the theme of the story is serious or funny.

• I generally prefer stories that are true to canon, but occasionally do enjoy a well-written AU.

• Although I rarely write sexually explicit stories, I have no objection to reading them. However, I prefer any sex to develop logically from the plot or exploring some aspect of character development.

Examples of stories I have written within Mary Renault fandoms can be found at A03:

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