rarely written fan-fic exchange

Feb 23, 2015 20:34

Dear Author:

Thank you for writing my request. I really hope you have fun with it, enjoying the prompts you received. I provided optional details, because I understand they can be helpful. If you prefer to write something different, I am sure I will enjoy that too.

My Requests

Please check back soon as I'll have this posted within a day. Sorry for the delays!

The Sandbaggers

What I'd really like is to see one of the female characters' perspective on Neil, and interactions where he doesn't steamroller over her but she is able to impress him with the soundness of her perspective. I tend to think of Marianne Straiker as being the most likely to be able to do this, but possibly Diane as well.

Jean Robertson series

The Praise Singer

Show us events from Lyra's perspective. What does she really think of Simonides' obliviousness to the politics surrounding him?

Alexander Trilogy

Last of the Wine

For once, I'd like to see one of the women in this novel holding her own against the man and being able - in a way that is appropriate for a female of this period and culture - to assert her views and have them listened to.

Dawn Wind

Why not show us the years when Owen and Regina are apart from her perspective. Alternatively,why not show us the two women meeting years later and comparing notes on how they have fared.

What I like:

• I like stories that are character-driven and also those that are plot-driven (though I prefer the former), but as long as something is well-written I usually like anything (so I suggest you just opt for what you like to write).

• I have no preference about the story being serious or humorous; I think that sort of decision is best left to the author. Witty repartee in dialogue does appeal regardless of whether the theme of the story is serious or funny.

• I generally prefer stories that are true to canon, but occasionally do enjoy a well-written AU.

• Although I rarely write sexually explicit stories, I have no objection to reading them. However, I prefer any sex to develop logically from the plot or exploring some aspect of character development.

Examples of stories I have written can be found at A03: http://archiveofourown.org/users/fawatson/works.

This entry was originally posted at http://fawatson.dreamwidth.org/30732.html. Please comment there using OpenID.
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