And, lo, there was much boredom on Fawkes' part

Dec 29, 2005 19:00

Meme nicked from kaltia , enjoy:

1. Do you have a lot of makeup?

Well, I have to (unfortunatly) answer 'yes' too this question because for Christmas my parents thought I wanted a ginormous make-up kit from Ulta. What part of P-S-P don't they get? (or they could have just given me the money and I could have put it in my electric guitar fund)

2. How much do you put on?

Eye shadow/liner is the extent of it. ("It's black, LIKE MY SOUL!!!!" "Chelsea, you're a freak." "Yeah, but at least I'm an amusing freak.")

3. How long does it take you to get ready?

Well, lets see now...alarm clock goes off at 6:30...don't bother getting out of bed until 6:45...leave at I'd say about 45 minutes for shower and getting dressed.

4. Do you put on a lot of lip gloss?

No, not really. I usually wear chapstick instead because my lips are so chapped. >.< ("But my lips hurt real bad!" -Napolean Dynomite)

5. Does your lipgloss smell good?


6. Do you carry a purse?

Yes, I got a really cool one for Christmas from my Aunt. It's leopard print! Woo! Usually, though, I just stick stuff in my pockets.

7. What color is it?

Leopard print.

8. Do you have a Coach bag?

Dubble-ew. Tee. Eff. Why would I spend my money on something like that!? I need to save up for my guitar!

9. Do you have a Louis Vuitton?

See above answer.

10. How many purses do you have?

Um...Three. One was my mom's and she gave it to me, and two I got for Christmas. And then there's my camera bag, which might as well be a purse since I basically bring it everywhere.

11. Do you like to wear nail polish?

I used to wear nail polish (years ago) because I wanted to grow my nail but I would always bite them. Now I play guitar and I'm not allowed to have nails (which is kind of nice, actually). And I don't finger-pick, so the nails on both my hands are short.

12. How often do you get your nails done?

Gods...last time I got my nails done was 6th or 7th grade, and that was only because it was part of a friends party. Unless you count that cute little girl from summer camp who painted my nails bright blue ^^

13. Do you like manicures?

No, not really. I don't think they feel nice at all.

14. Do you like pedicures?

Okay, now those feel nice.

15. Do you have a usual nail salon you go to?

16. Where do you get your hair cut?

Where ever my mother makes the appointment. I'm still too lazy to do it myself.

17. Do you dye your hair?

Yep. Actually, my mom does it. She calls it a 'bonding expirience', I just like it when people play with my hair. =)

18. Do you straighten your hair?

No, I mess it up a lot, though. It's fun.

19. Do you have lots of pairs of shoes?

Well, not really. And I only really wear my convers because they're the only shoes I have that lace. O.o I need to get some tennis shoes, wear convers' for too long and you start to get raw spots on your foot. >.< Ow...

20. What are your favourite shoes?

My favorite shoes are these slip-ons I have that have beads all over them. I wore them all the time before it got cold, and now all the beads are falling off. They're so comfortable, though!

21. Do you wear heels everywhere?

I. Hate. Heals. They should all die. I don't know what it is, but I can't stand in them! (Or walk in them, or anything, really)

22. Can you walk in heels and not fall over?

I can, but I takes A LOT of effort. And I have to for choir.

23. Where do you buy your clothes?

Um...where ever they sell clothes? I don't really care...

24. Do you go shopping every week?

Yeah, I go shopping a lot. Only because I like going places with my friends. =)

25. What's your favourite store?

Barnes and Nobles! Ah...Books AND music, I could (and have) spend hours in that store...

26. How much do you usually spend?

Eh, I dunno. Looking at the prices always depresses me. I usually keep going until I run out of money...well, except lately I'm trying to save up. $600 to go! :-P

27. Have you ever been in Dior?

Um...No. I think. Wait, where the fuck it that?

28. Do you follow fashion trends?

No, I find most fashion trends to be rather uncomfortable. I like wearing what I can walk around in.

29. Do you have a pair of huge sunglasses?

I don't even HAVE sunglasses.

30. Do you wear hoop earrings?

No, I like wearing just sinple earings. Sometimes they dangle a bit, but not usually.

31. Do you have a lot of skirts?

Yes, I do. ^^;; I think they're comfy!

32. Do you get your eyebrows done?

Yes, I do. I blame my dads side of the family and teenage self-consiousness. (I actually don't care as much as some girls as my school do...)

33. Can you apply mascara without opening your mouth? idea. Don't wear mascara.

34. Do you wear lots of eyeliner?

Yes. *hangs head in shame* It's just an automatic thing now, I guess. When you wake up every morning to a Green Day poster stareing at you, it just becomes habit. (actually, that poster is really starting to creep me out, I should get to taking it down...eventually...)

35. Do you like Pilates or Yoga?

Eh, did it last year in the morning for a bit, then gave up because I rather sleep in.

36. Do you have a lot of magazines?

Nope. I have a guitar magazine Gabby's dad gave me with the guitar I want circled, and I read People magazine because I like to laugh at stupid shit like that (and sometimes, if I'm lucky, they have interesting news stories)
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