Here we go. =)
The Introduction
1. What is your name, and what do you prefer to be called?
Name’s Diamar, but I really prefer being called Di. Short ‘n sweet. But I can’t stand it when people think my full name is Diana. >.>
2. How old are you?
18 years, 8 months and…some weeks old. But let’s say I’m 18 for simplicity.
3. How did you come across our community? (If you were referred by a member, please mention them so we can give them credit!)
I came across this place thanks to
widars-hallen, who kindly directed me here. =)
The Canon
4. Choosing one character from the following list, explain what house (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin) you think they would have been in and why. [Cornelius Fudge, Amos Diggory, Gilderoy Lockhart, Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Rufus Scrimgeour, Rita Skeeter]
For this, I’ll pick Rufus Scrimogeour, and I’ll put him in Slytherin. Okay, you might think I’m odd for putting someone who was head of the Auror department in Slytherin, but I just finished rereading the sixth book, and there are a lot of his traits that fit a Slytherin. He gives off vibes of being shrewd and cunning, and very logical too. And, apparently, the Prime Minister got this vibe too, right at the beginning of the book. Rufus also seems to me like someone who prefers to work alone, rather than in a team. I think this itself shines best when he tries to convince Harry to represent the Ministry. Since Dumbledore didn’t want to convince Harry to do it, Scimogeour seemed to decide it’d be best to take matters into his own hands. Of course, all my musings here are disregarding the fact that he’s described like a lion and has general yellow coloring (which makes him look like the physical representation of a Gryffinpuff), but personality-wise, he seems Slytherin to me.
5. What character do you most relate to?
Hmm...I’ll go for Tonks here. Tonks is kinda weird, offbeat, and she’s fun too. Even though she’s a talented Auror, she also doesn’t take herself seriously all the time. She knows that not everything can be entirely serious, but she also knows that there’s a time and place for it. She’s also loyal at heart, and has tons of room to grow still, which means her personality can still take shape. Sometimes, I feel that she needs to grow up and start maturing…and I’m then reminded of myself, seeing as I’m still pretty immature on the whole. Besides, the world needs more people that are laid-back, because sometimes, just sometimes, we’re better at seeing solutions, since we’re not panicking.
6. Choose one aspect of the story as told by Rowling that you dislike, and tell us how you would change it. (Please avoid the subjects of romance and shipping.)
You know, I really do wish that we could get to know the Houses more than what’s presented. The problem is partially because Harry is the main character, and he’s in Gryffindor, so of course we’d see more about his House than other houses. Still though, the Houses have their own unique traits and their own achievements, and I think they deserve more credit and love than what’s been given. ‘Course, we’re on the verge of the last book, so it’s kinda late for that.
The Person
7. If you could put a memory in a pensieve for the specific purpose of viewing it later, what would it be and why?
I think it’d be the time I managed to take first place in the poetry division in my inter-school drama competition for the very first time. This was the second time I competed, and I chose to do The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. All the older members, and even our coach, scoffed at me for choosing a difficult poem to perform. They thought I wasn’t up to snuff to do it, and that there was no way I could get it completely right by the day of the competition. So, you can imagine their shock when it was me who won first place in the category, and none of the vet members of our team. But I’d also put it in the Pensieve because that also taught me to have more confidence in my abilities, and to never underestimate myself.
8. What are three traits that define you? How has each trait had positive impact and negative impact on your life?
-Honesty: I am, and always have been, a very honest person. If you need someone to give the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I’m the person you want. I will tell you what I think about whatever it is you want, and I won’t hold back. But that leads to the negative impact on my life, since my bluntness has gotten me into lots of trouble before. I am becoming more tactful, but there are times that I don’t know when to shut up. Ask my middle school teachers.
-Sensitivity: The good impact this has had on my life: I can easily perceive anything that happens to be underlying a person or situation. Like, if someone’s feeling down or if a somewhat complicated problem has come up, I’ll be able to see what it is exactly. On the downside, I can be sensitive to criticism (if given the wrong way), and just too sensitive overall. I’ve worked on this for awhile, but I still take words too harshly sometimes, even without realizing it.
-Individuality: The good part: I’ve always had a strong sense of who I am and what it is I believe in, even if it goes against the norm and even if people disagree. I know what’s right and what’s wrong for me and I stick by it. The bad part: it makes me really stubborn, and it gets me in trouble when I don’t follow rules and stuff. I get labeled as anti-authority and rebellious, even though it is true. Though the stubborn part I could work on, since I only listen to a few people.
9. What is one specific thing that you have never done but strongly wish to do sometime in your life? Travel to as many places as I can. I’ve traveled a fair bit in my life already, since my parents were in the army, but I want to go see more places on my own. There’s something about seeing the way places are and how different they are from one another and how the people are that just strikes me as cool and interesting. I like diversity, and I like seeing these differences. Plus, so many places have so much history behind them, that it’d be cool to see them, like the Great Wall of China for example. Y’know, just stand somewhere that’s been in existence since forever almost.
The World
10. What is your biggest pet peeve and why? I absolutely hate hypocrites. I really can’t stand them. I mean, I understand that sometimes we can’t always do what we say, but goddamn, sometimes people take it too far. Don’t say you’re straight-up Christian and go out on a drinking and womanizing binge, for example. Don’t say you don’t like to complain when that’s all you do. Draw the line somewhere.
11. Describe the people you admire most. What do they have in common with each other? How are they different? I think there’s only really one person I admire, and that is my older brother. Well, we've had our falling outs, especially when we were younger, and we still do argue a lot. But my brother has always been there for me to protect me when I was little, and he's always helped me out whenever I needed it. Anytime I was really hurt he'd give me a shoulder to cry on, and he's been able to talk me out of some of my more insane ideas (and that's a hard thing to do). Even though I've grown up and I can obviously watch out for myself, I still love and admire my brother for all this. He's also an extremely accomplished artist, and even though I can never be as good as him, he's still my benchmark, since I still hope someday to catch up to him.
12. How do you think people see you? Does the person you show to the public differ from the person you are on the inside? Explain. I think people on the whole see me as a quiet, slightly weird person. I don’t always talk when I should, and I tend to do a lot of out there things. Oh, and they probably also perceive me as aloof and with my head in the clouds. Usually, when I warm up to people though, I’m a lot more social and talkative and such. Anyway, the way people see me is quite a bit different from the person I am on the inside. Even if I don’t always talk, I do have strong opinions on plenty of things, and even if it doesn’t look like I’m paying attention, I actually catch a lot of details most miss. As for weird and aloof…that’s the same.
The Community
13. What do you believe you bring to this community? Hmm…I think I’ll bring my own brand of oddballness and randomness, plus, when I find my lil’ niche around here, I’ll definitely contribute to it, and whatever hybrid house I get sorted to, I’ll most definitely remain loyal and root for my fellow housemates.
14. Which hybrid house do you believe you are the most like? Make a case for and a case against your placement there. Possibly Gryffinpuff. The main reason would be because in the other sorting communities I’m in, most of my votes were a near even mix of both houses, and I guess I do have both house’s qualities. I’m adventurous, temperamental, a risk taker, and I’m also loyal, a teamster, and if I put my mind to it, I can also work kinda hard at stuff. Against my placement there? Hmm…perhaps also that I’ve got a few Slytherin and Ravenclaw characteristics, even if they’re not nearly as apparent as my Gryffinpuff characteristics, like being sharp-witted and being clever.
15. Which hybrid house do you believe you are the least like? Make a case for and a case against your placement there. I think probably Ravendor. Even though I just said I have a few Ravenclaw characteristics, they’re not nearly as much as the characteristics I might have from other houses, and they wouldn’t mix all too well with my Gryffindor characteristics. For my placement? Um…maybe what I mentioned up there about my sharp wit? I dunno, I’m just not entirely sure if this mix of houses would suit me very well. I could be wrong and I might be missing something, but that’s how I see it.