The Introduction
1. What is your name, and what do you prefer to be called? My name is Angelique, and I would like to be called that, unless you want to shorten it to Angel, which is fine by my call. :3
2. How old are you? I am Eloise. I am six. No, actually, just kidding. :3 I am actually an incorrigible 16 year old.
3. How did you come across our community? (If you were referred by a member, please mention them so we can give them credit!) I came across this community ages ago through a promo at
lumos_main, but I kept putting it off. ^-^;
(I'm aiming for concise answers, but let's see how successsful that endeavor turns out to be.)
The Canon
4. Choose a character not from Harry Potter (ie: from Lord of the Rings, House, etc) and explain what house (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin) you think they would have been in and why.
All righty then, shall we get started? As I am in a rather Disney frame of mind about now, the first person that honestly came to my mind was Ariel, of The Little Mermaid. Once one gets past the fact that she has a tail, rather than legs, I feel that she would make a fine Gryffindor.
My reasons? Being a Gryffindor in several communities, I see several dominant traits in Ariel that I classify as very lionsy.
1. Ariel has a one-track mind. Once she has her heart set on doing something, she is going to do it, no matter how badly it clashes with anyone else's schedule. For instance, in the beginning of the movie, there is a huge concert going on, the biggest one of Sebastian's career. And it features Ariel as a soloist. However...there is a ship waiting to be explored, and as that is the number one priority on her list, she kinda sorta forgets about the concert- it simply wasn't as important!
2. She's very reckless when emotional. Ariel does things in the moment, for the moment. In the storm, when she sees Eric drowning, it never once occurs to her, like it would to any sane merperson, that it would be better to let him drown. Instead, she saves his life, changing his (and her) life forever. She unfortunately has this tendency in anger, as well, as we see when she gives up her voice to get a pair of legs. I have a feeling that had her father not destroyed her grotto, Ariel wouldn't have taken the drastic steps that she did.
But she did, and that's why we have such a fun story, no? ^-^
3. Ah ma petite cherié Ariel. She loves to have fun and enjoy every little bit of life, as do many Gryffindors. We see her pure joy at every detail of Eric's town, and her excitement when she gets to drive the horses for herself. (I think this is a slightly Ravenclaw trait, but Gryffies have it too).
I could go on and on, but that's the long and short of it!
5. What character do you most relate to?
This question is actually pretty difficult for me, as I find myself relating through several different characters throughout the whole story. But you asked for one, so I shall attempt to find the one with whom I feel the most parallels.
I think Hermione, actually. Although I differ from her in many ways, I do have several similarities that allow me to relate to her.
One way in which I relate to her is in her stereotypical characteristic, intelligence. I take pride in being at the top of my class, and you can be sure that when finals come around, just like her with the boggart, failing my exams is my biggest fear. (However improbable it may be).
I also have trouble expressing my emotions sometimes, and am a bit awkward around those who I like. When it comes to school projects, though, I delegate everyone to their tasks and such. No one is going to keep me from getting my A! ^-^;
Also like Hermione, I have empathy towards those who are exploited by the more fortunate. Although I would not take her route (S.P.E.W. was such an illogical/ill thought out plan), I understand where she's coming from. She wants to DO something, as do I.
6. Choose one aspect of the story as told by Rowling that you dislike, and tell us how you would change it. (Please avoid the subjects of romance and shipping.)
Quite honestly, I really dislike the whole Grawp subplot. It simply does not make any sense to me whatsoever. I assume that J.K. is trying to insert some well meaning humor behind an increasingly dark story, but she just falls flat. There is no point to it, nothing to latch onto, and one hardly feels any sympathy at all for Grawp to begin with. (Or for Hagrid, for that matter.) It seems to me to be another version of Norbert, except 1. He is not a dragon, and 2. Hagrid isn't about to give him up. Damn it, Hagrid, your little brother is not just some random monster you pick up in the forest! *sigh* This whole situation didn't help further the story, and neither did it provide a release from the growing tensions taking place as time goes by. How would I improve this heinous thing? I'd take it out!
The Person
7. If you could put a memory in a pensieve for the specific purpose of viewing it later, what would it be and why?
Ooh, goody, time to soul search! This should be fun! ^-^
In all seriousness, though, having thought about it, I feel that I would choose specific memories taken from my fifth grade year. That year, my best friend and I had quite the altercation, and broke it off in a very messy fashion, leaving me feeling hurt and bruised throughout most of the year. I had just realized how much she had been controlling me and the decisions I chose to make, and it did not feel good at all. I not only felt abandoned by her, I felt antagonized by all my other peers as well. But looking back, I wonder if I might have antagonized some of them myself in my anger, whether I knew it or not. Just out of curiousity, I'd like to see.
8. What are three traits that define you? How has each trait had positive impact and negative impact on your life?
Social: Yes, I am a talker. I love to communicate with others and listen to what they have to say! (And if you're wondering, I type like I speak. Random large words scattered throughout, odd phrasing of sentences, the works. Except for the "^-^ and :3" parts.
Positive: My ability to communicate opens up lots of opportunities. As I am willing to listen to what they have to say, they are more open to my suggestions, and don't write me off as a chatterbox that never shuts up. (Because once I do start to talk, it's usually nonstop.)
Negative: Occasionally, when I do listen to people, I tend to get a little intimidated by their persona and what they have to say/think. I don't quite feel that comfortable with them, and am not so open to discussion. They never find out what I think, as I am non-confrontational and would like to avoid conflict. It is those people that tend to find me a quiet sort of person, although with others, I am quite the opposite.
Intelligent: IRL, I am defined by this very dominant trait of mine. I've always been number 1 in my class. Always have been, and always plan to be. :3 I'mreallynotasconceitedasthissounds,really
Positive: Where do I begin with the positive things that this does for me? Well, it helps me enjoy life, and look at it more objectively, I'll give it that. Besides the more obvious things like a high G.P.A, I feel that I can understand the world better. I don't make the same mistakes that some people make, and it's fun to be treated as a peer by the intelligentsia. ^-^
Negative: At the same time, this trait of mine makes it very difficult for me to communicate with my OWN peers. Flying on a higher plane than them most of the time, I often find it very difficult to connect with them at all. Jokes they find funny, I find to be idiotic, and assignments I find to be quite easy, they struggle with immensely. I want to learn, whereas they find no joy in it, which irritates me.
Aand now for #3. It's the last thing on the app that I'm doing, so forgive me for the short length~
Friendly: I love to make new friends- I hate to see people sitting alone!
Positive: This trait of mine keeps me from feeling alienated and I get the joy of making someone else's day brighter!
Negative: If I get a negative vibe from them, my friendly radar turns off and I am automatically awkward around them~
9. What is one specific thing that you have never done but strongly wish to do sometime in your life?
Ah, one thing I strongly wish do do sometime in my life? Hmm. Would it sound conceited if I say I want to win the Nobel Prize in writing? yesiknowitdoes
Actually, a small tiny thing that I would like to do is to swim with dolphins, to communicate with them. I have seen them at Sea World, and let me tell you, it's just not the same. After reading Madeleine L'Engle's A Ring of Endless Light, I have had this longing that I hope to fulfill someday!
The World
10. What is your biggest pet peeve and why?
Quite honestly, ignorance is number one on my list. It irritates me to absolutely no end! Those who think I'm Chinese because I'm Indian, those who think that Hindu is a language (I mean, I understand that there is a one letter difference, but come on), and so many other things. Ignorance is not bliss. It brings destruction in so many ways- ignorance breeds fear and hatred, it breeds discontent, and it is something I find as bad as lying.
11. Describe the people you admire most. What do they have in common with each other? How are they different?
The people I admire come in many different forms, and I have to regretfully say that I do not have one personal role model. But the characteristics that all of the people I admire share are:
+Focus: They all know what they want and where they're going in life
+Happiness: They are all content with what they are doing, and could not wish for anything better
+Humble: None of these people are overly proud- they know what they're good at, but they don't flaunt it
+Open-minded: They are all open to new ideas- they are all receptive individuals
How are they different? Just the mundane ways that everyone is different- in race, hair color, height, career~essentially, they share the same values, no matter what they all do.
12. How do you think people see you? Does the person you show to the public differ from the person you are on the inside? Explain.
None of the world sees all of me, except maybe my stuffed elephant. Just as Aunt Josephine says of Anne's hundred different rainbow shades in the Green Gables series, so am I. Different people see different sides of me. To many people, I am an extremely bubbly and energetic person who happens to like very fuzzy things and straight A's. To others, I am the sweet, calm, composed girl who doesn't say too much and behaves herself. And to yet more people, I am the girl with no coordination at all who can't dance worth crap but does anyway, which they can't fathom why. (It's because I don't care what they think! ^-^)
To almost no people do I show the side that likes Disney kitsch and shows like Winx Club. I don't wish to make a fool of myself to the general public, but that side is there. The crazy, wild, and uninhibited part of me is not someone that everyone has the privilege of seeing, but a few have, and I hope eventually, that I will have the courage to let others see it as well.
The Community
13. Which hybrid house do you believe you are the most like? Make a case for and a case against your placement there.
I feel that I'm very Gryffinpuff, actually.
Case For: Well, besides the fact that I got voted BIGGEST GRYFFINPUFF for Term 7 at
hogwarts_elite (I can show you the banner if you wish), I feel that I am a combo of friendly and spontaneous. I am very energetic, and I like I have mentioned, I am very social. And I care. :3
Case Against: The reasons I would give against my placement there is that I do have several traits of other houses there. I have a tendency to get a leetle snarky sometimes, and even though I do not often outwardly show it, I am rather ambitious. And that, I believe, was the worst argument against Gryffinpuff you have ever seen, I'm sure. ^-^;
14. Which hybrid house do you believe you are the least like? Make a case for and a case against your placement there.
Quite honestly, I feel that I am least like a Slytherdor.
Case For: I just mentioned that I do have ambition, and coupled with stubbornness and the occasional bold move, that makes for a Slytherdor, I feel. However energetic I am, and however much it takes me to get embarrassed, I am also a rather reserved person at times, which I also feel is rather Slytherdor. I also enjoy comfort. ^-^
Case Against: I am ambitious, but not to the extent that I am not willing to bend a little for others. And therein lies the biggest reason that I feel that I am not a Slytherdor. However, if you do so feel right sorting me there, sort away! I will be grateful to be sorted into any and every house here! <3
Thanks for reading! ^-^