1. What is your name, and what do you prefer to be called? My name is Bretta, although I have been given an odd assortment of nicknames over the years, including but not limited to: B, Kitty, Filter, and Bread. I prefer Bretta or B.
2. How old are you? Twenty.
3. How did you come across our community? (If you were referred by a member, please mention them so we can give them credit!) I stumbled upon it searching for sorting communities.
The Canon
4. Choose a character not from Harry Potter (ie: from Lord of the Rings, House, etc) and explain what house (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin) you think they would have been in and why.
My favorite non-HP book is "The Picture of Dorian Gray", so I'm going to have to pick Dorian. The man absolutely screams Slytherin, and by that, I mean the most extreme, stereotypical Slytherin you could ever be- he is manipulative, unspeakably vain, and doesn't care who he hurts or how he hurts them if he can get what he want. On the rare occasion he does show sympathy for someone, it is always very little, or for the wrong reasons.
5. What character do you most relate to?
Oh wow. I'm going to have to say, bizarrely enough, a mixture of Luna, Hermione, and Snape. I am much more open to things than Hermione, yet my moves are often more calculated than Luna's. Like Snape, I can hold a mean grudge, develop a dislike for someone fairly easily, and like to keep quite a bit of myself hiddene.
6. Choose one aspect of the story as told by Rowling that you dislike, and tell us how you would change it. (Please avoid the subjects of romance and shipping.)
I think (spoiler if for some strange reason you haven't read DH yet)-
the fight between Harry and Ron in DH annoyed me a bit. Yes, they're all pretty broody the whole book, and with damn good reason, but to me, it still felt like it was a little sudden and very stiff feeling. I don't know how I would've changed it for sure, but there has to be some way to make it flow better.
The Person
7. If you could put a memory in a pensieve for the specific purpose of viewing it later, what would it be and why?
The last time I ever saw one of my friends alive. When I was younger, I always had a very specific sect of four girls (like young girls often do) that I did everything with. We started falling apart in high school, but one day in July, three of us got nostalgic (I was seeing the fourth about every day at this point) and got together. We had a great time just catching up and being silly together. About a week later, one of those friends was killed in a carwreck. It was down the road from my house, and I saw it. She was just barely sixteen, and it broke my heart. I would like to remember-clearly- that last time we were together. In a similar vein, I would like to do the same with my great-grandma. Different circumstances, but same love.
8. What are three traits that define you? How has each trait had positive impact and negative impact on your life?
Adventurous: I am very outgoing, although I keep it under wraps. I don't often speak to strangers and mostly keep to myself, so to outsiders I often appear quite brooding, but I'm actually not shy at all. I'll try just about anything once- even when it risks damaging my reputation or embarrasing me. If someone says something rude to me, I will instantly be up in your face, reguardless of your sex or size. (And I am a tiny 5'1, 107 lb. girl.) I live my life without regrets. I have seen too much death in my life to worry too much about tomorrow. Hmm...maybe I should've titled that bit "confrontational" instead of "adventurous", but whatever. To me they are basically one in the same.
Loving: If I do allow you to get close enough to me, and vice versa, I will love you forever and be very wounded if you backstab me. I'm loyal- but don't get me wrong. I'm not a 'perfect' friend- I may tease you and say somewhat catty things behind your back sometimes, if you've hurt me in any way- but if anyone ELSE says anything, I will be the first to defend you. Same for my family. Even though sometimes I do the obligatory bitching, there is no one in this world I love more than my family.
Laid Back: I am pretty laidback. A lot of people like this about me, because obviously, I don't wind them up too much. Also, this can be bad- I have a fierce, fierce temper (I blame it on having naturally red hair, ha), and with me being faily laid back, the onset of the anger can sometimes startle people.
9. What is one specific thing that you have never done but strongly wish to do sometime in your life?
I would love to write a book. I know that sounds really mundane and I imagine people are writing all sorts of fabulous things, but while there are plenty of things I hope to do, that's one that has always been with me, ever since I was a little girl, so that's the one I'm sticking with.
The World
10. What is your biggest pet peeve and why?
People who are constantly complaining about their lives. If you don't like something, change it. And if it's not that simple, find some way to make the best of it.
11. Describe the people you admire most. What do they have in common with each other? How are they different?
I sat and thought about this for a good five minutes, and honestly, I can't pick just two people. More specifically, I can't pick less than ten people. I admire many people for many different things, each as different as the other as they can be. I find quirks inspiring.
12. How do you think people see you? Does the person you show to the public differ from the person you are on the inside? Explain.
People perceive me as being very quiet, maybe a little stuck up, with the ability to get mad at a drop of a hat. No joke, around my circle of friends and friend-like people, my temper is something to be feared. Everyone knows I like to read a lot. I imagine they see me as very serious.
People close to me know all those things are true, but there's much more than that- I'm quiet, but not shy. I can be serious, but also very, very silly. I like to think I'm well read, so I do get somewhat irratated if people aren't and try to talk to me about books, so I guess I am a bit snobbish too. Overall, I'd say I'm just as complex as every other semi-intelligent young girl.
The Community
13. Which hybrid house do you believe you are the most like? Make a case for and a case against your placement there. I would say Slytherclaw. Like I've stated above, I'm well-read and quiet, and have a strong dislike for a lot of people. I'm hard to get close to. Every single sorting community/test I've ever done has placed me in Slytherin, except for an RP I just joined a day ago where they put me in Gryffindor. Personally, I feel I'm pretty cowardly- I live in fear of so many things- but maybe that means there's something hiding deep within me. I also mentioned before, if I choose to get close to you, I'll be mostly loyal. So who knows.
14. Which hybrid house do you believe you are the least like? Make a case for and a case against your placement there.
Hmmm...I'm going to have to go with Gryffinpuff. Gryffindor, because like I also said above, I don't feel I'm very brave. I'm scared of almost everything, whether I want to be or not. And 'Puff...well, I'm not very nice , sometimes. ;p