I have some pretty pictures an a lovely story for you guys!!
***WARNING*** if heavy bruising and swelling makes you squeamish, you may not want to go any further... Just sayin'
So, Tursday morning I took a fee hours off work to go to Cassie's award ceremony at school. I was on my way down the stairs when I apparently stepped down wrong on the landing. I didn't fall down the stairs thank goodness, but my foot turned all the way onto it's side, I heard and felt a pop, pain flared up to my knee and down to my toes. I could have sworn I'd broken my ankle.
padfootthegrim took me to the ER, we sat there for about an hour, they took 6 x-rays, we sat there for about another hour, we got a room, sat there for almost another full hour before the doctor came in, said "yay it's not broken, but it is a very bad tendon injury. We'll put a splint on it, give you some pain meds and see where we are at the end of the week. You may need some physical therapy to get back to complete normalcy." *sigh* I spent the next two days off work, went back yesterday, made it about three excruciating hours before my boss took pity on me and gave me the rest of the day and today off as well.
And now for the pretty pretty pictures...
At the ER-
Just after ER-
(Yes, I have a spoon and a pair of tongs in my passenger floorboard... Idk why lol)
Night 1:
Day 2:
Night 2:
Day 3:
Night 3:
Day 4(this morning):
And there you have it.... OUCH! it still hurts, I still can't walk without the help of a cane or crutches. :(
At least I get the weekend to recoup before I have to attempt work again.