Let me begin by saying; this is a rant. Please don't feel obligated to read and reply, especially since I haven't posted anything on lj in a long time.
Okay so my place of employment is doing secret Santa, which up until this year I absolutely loved participating in.
The rules are; 4 small gifts for no more than $1.00 each. One "big" gift to be exchanged at the Christmas party, costing no more than $10.00.
I went out and bought 4 small gifts. A plastic Christmas container with chocolate coins inside. A candle. A soda of my recipients favorite kind. A small bag of Roche chocolates.
Now I'm hearing things like "I don't know who has Jackie, but they suck." And "do you see how cheap these gifts are?" And so on along the same lines.
Okay yes, my Santa is going above and beyond anything I would expect, but I didn't ask her to. I followed the rules, not only because money is a little(a lot) tight, but because they're the rules!
So here I am now, feeling like a cheapskate, tightwad, low life loser of all time secret Santa losers! I feel horrible! Like shit, and I keep hearing how awful Jackie's secret Santa is. And it's me!
Today, someone even said in front of me "who has Jackie? Because I hear she's terrible."
Christmas is one of my favorite holidays (even if it is in the middle of winter!) and I participate in secret Santa every year, not because I want to get awesome gifts, but because I like giving things to people.
Well, this will be my last year for secret santa. I've lost the stomach for it, because now days it seems to be more about the price of the gifts you receive rather than the mystery of who your Santa is.
I'm very sad and a little heart broken right now.
So yes, I had a little money in the bank and I stopped on my lunch break today and bought a little something to add to my last days small gift and something to add to my big gift as well. Because I felt bad!
I won't be joining in on the Christmas party either. I hadn't made up my mind about going or not anyway, but this just tipped the scale for me. Let them have their time to make fun of me for the shit gifts I gave, I don't care about having staff fun times with these freaks anyway.
Fuck you coworkers and the money train you all apparently rode in on.
Merry Christmas!